Walk by faith through the knowledge of Jesus Christ. We have
entered the fearful end-time. Years that are the grand climax of the coming end
of human civilization draws sign. For the most part, if ever there was a time
to know the Word of God is now. Pay attention to the signs that are evident of
the return of Jesus. Furthermore, none of us knows when he or she will die. We
must get spiritually prepared for the end of life. Consequently, should be our
top priority. God makes it plain and that He is the real deal. Satan has
blinded the eyes of many people. Leaving broken evidence in believing in
If we
accept Christ showing our faith, there won't be any room for doubt. Your basis
for belief or disbelief is knowledge of where you base your faith. Whereas,
faith marked with many players who believe in God’s Word is more efficient to
tear Satan's kingdom down. Also standing on the promises of our Heavenly
Father. God call His chosen servants before creation exists.
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