Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Friday, June 19, 2015

God sends His messengers

God sends His messengers
God sends His messengers who are prophets to warn people of the coming judgment in these last and evil times. Many refuse to hear what the Spirit of God is saying to the churches through His prophets. We as a nation of the most Holy God have allowed the world to dictate to mix messages of what has satisfy the appetites of men. Therefore, I am sent to many messengers and false prophets who hear not Gods words but desire accolades. Therefore, we consider the members of our earthly body as dead to immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed, which amounts to idolatry.
As we grow in our calling this becomes sure to us and our desire to please our Father. The mandate from God to walk in my vocation is to walk worthy of the calling He has called me to.  The wrath of God will come upon the sons of disobedience. Many have forgotten the signs and wonders in these last and evil days. Homosexuality that is rapid, men saying good is evil and calling evil good. Pastors when making mistakes they are just men instead of under shepherds of the highest God. An Elder married to one wife and not drunken with wine. Walk according to your vocation. If you can't fit the bill, don't take the office.  Their minds are distracted as they watch instead of praying for those who forgotten in a field that is white as labors are still few.
Leaders who forgot how to develop our faith by intimacy with the Father and studying the Word of God. Many have left their first love. Angels of the church when you refuse God prophets you have rejected God. So much hatred in the church for prophets today. Remember they have to grow but in the meantime listen to what they are saying messengers of the highest God.  You take Gods word dissect it and use it for your glory and not Gods. Our relationship with God and visions are more manmade than God given. And hearing his Word that waters the seed so we can grow up in our faith and in the statute of Jesus Christ who we are to impersonate...  There are many prophets who try to please God without faith in God this is impossible to do. You have doubt in your heart and question God when he show His self as living proof to you over and over again. Now you ask a true prophet because of those who say they believe in Christ however their actions says something else. They falsely accuse the true prophet and make accusations bring them to a level that is not pleasing. Calling them a devil when people died and they life is a total wreck because they come against Gods prophetess.  A prophet is a powerhouse He or she has the mandate from God to change and turn things around in Jesus name. We have a power not just in God’s Word in the demonstration of the Holy Spirit.  Given to Jesus Christ as a gift from God the Father. God said to me I am given you to my Son as a gift. To build his church and warm those men and women of the coming judgment when they do not listen to the truth in the Word of God.  To warn men and save them from the wrath and judgment that is coming. Warming, Warming, and Warming.  Because they believe they are the only one they refuse to listen, and it is too late at that point. Judgment comes, and many leaders will die because of disobedience and they refuse to listen to a true prophet. We indeed do exceedingly above all that we can ask of our Father.  
Our love for God can never compare to the worldly system they define as love. The love we share with God does not come from a worldview of what love is.  We walk in authority, and many think we believe we are better however I AM ONE WHO have the power TO WARM. I must do what my Father have mandated me to do. We do not come to put people in prison only to release them out. Or show them the way out of their dark situation. God speaks through me by my writings and able to break down any Word in the biblical blueprint called the bible. To tell the hidden treasures that most Pastors teachers and preachers cannot bring to a surface. Just as Samson had a strength and told His secrets I will never tell mine. But I will say this one thing my Words come from the Almighty God.
I do not need any accolades, promotion, or need to be known. It will happen with or without you. God sent me to disobedient men and women of God. Chosen even as the Apostles Paul chosen, in his foolish state. When Paul elected as I was in a stubborn state not worthy of the calling but obedient to it. Just as Jonah had nowhere to run or hid.  Paul also was taught some things even as I am teachable and will always be. None of us has arrived as Christ continues to perfect us until the day He returns. God has given me the keys to unlocking doors and the evidence I bear on my body is a thorn even as Paul that God will not take away. Many children of God will not believe me because of the mandate that lays heaven on me. God has given me a mantle which is Ivory. God gave me a mantle which is a covering. The angels in heaven were singing the color of this coat which is Ivory mantle.  I was given by God to His Son as a gift God said I am given you to my Son as a gift. However if not death so how comes to the doorway that are a stumbling block or a snare to me.
I desire no harm to no man however when they speak against me they also speak against God, who made me and loved me. Even as He loves you, one have this gift, and the other is a gift to the body. Judge what I say, He gave to His Son Jesus Christ to the body that we may be saved. To please God, He has given us the faith that is very strong.  As I continue to grow, I will continue to prosper and be in good health. We as Gods anointed ones have to organize his people from the time of Moses, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And finally sending His Son into the world to save us from sin once and for all. God has. Institute, marriage for the husband and wife to be one in the unity of faith, And in the body, of fellowship. For one to separate that is one causing division amongst the two who are one flesh? You now come to Gods Word.  Moses’ organized Gods people and took them through dry and desert places. God sent his son to set the captive free to establishment his will and wash away our sins with the atonement of His blood. 
God put himself in a body by taken self out as we also depart from this world as prophets of God’s Word. Some may see some may have visions, some write. I am all of the above. Given the keys to life and death prosperous and anointing children and men to become who God called them to be. God has appeared to me in many vision and dreams never seeing His face. The light was so bright that it was impossible to look into His face. Knowing this was real the brilliant from the light burn my eyelids, and I felt the sensation from this illumination. I came to Him as a child; He anointed my head my cup runneth over. God does what He desires to do. Taken the foolish things and making them wise.   There are many prophets in the body of Christ that will tell you they are prophets yet there is no evidence or demonstration of their words in action or taken root in God’s Word to ever come to pass.

We are the modern-day prophetess that involves turning the hearts of the fathers toward the sons and the hearts of the children toward the fathers (see Malachi 4:5–6). Truly my desire is to reconciliation producing fruit that many will see. My hope that men will love me. Not that I need their approval. I can't understand why people just don't desire to love me. My desire is that none shall perish and if my people parish it is for lack of knowledge. Therefore, I sent my prophetess so none will die. Therefore, I must examine myself and do what is require me to do for them to see my heart as God see my heart. Often crying out to God and seeing Gods judgment come on them is heartfelt. And I am called a witch and done nothing that I can see. However many do not have spiritual eyes and see the heart as God see it. And the judge that prophet wrong and judgment falls on them. And the prophet is condemning more. 
My desire is moved to root out and to pull down to destroy and to throw down and to build and to plant (see Jeremiah 1:10). Fighting in this spiritual warfare will be a frequent reality in my life. Knowing without a shadow of the doubt who I am in Christ. And who God called me to be. Called to walk a narrower path than some around me that many times I feel alone only to know God is with me. Often I will feel a sense of duty to honor God's will and be crushed with godly sorrow when I step on and misunderstood. I am not a wishful prophet who talk loud and have no power to line up with Gods Word. My Words do not bounce never to accomplish what is spoken. If I speak, it will come to the past.  Self-promoting prophets is not who I am. My writings will help me in Gods vineyard and also tell many how to get delivery from situations.   To lie about who God called me was frightful, and I desire never to put myself in a position to lie about who and God says I am. Why did God choose someone like me? Not worthy and not educated for such a calling. It is what it is, I am the lease, but he have chosen me.
And God said to me write. He told me He called me to be an Apostle like Paul.   He tells me the deep and dark secrets of men and what His Word is saying. The truth is told I am not only a prophet but a teacher, preacher, and Apostle.  I am a modern-day reformer, like John the Baptist had a Prophetic ministry to bring positive change and hope to those who are hopeless. I not only have Gods DNA also reformation in my DNA. My other assignment is called to prepare people for the Lord by pointing them to an intimate relationship with Jesus (see John 3:29), Equipping them to discern His voice. Speaking words of warning or correction that God gives them standing in the gap between man and God (see Ezekiel 22:30). Usually, this latter function takes place through intercession. Not all intercessors are prophets, but all prophets are intercessors. It is part of the prophetic, priestly duty to make intercession. My Connection with God intercession is my intervention with my Father. God has shown me how His desire's me to pray to Him. God have given me orders in how I should pray to him. I must pray a certain way. So I am in constant prayer. One of the many vineyards in my communication with my Father. Judge ye what I say this is who I am fearfully shaken and in love with God. I come with fire tearing down walls speaking the truth.  Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient. My words are never empty they are alive and full of truth.  We come this far by faith in Jesus Christ persecuted but not distress. We lay down our lives for people allowing them to know that if one believe in Jesus Christ they will also be obedient to the Word of God. Yes, we do love however to many we are unlovable because of the anointed that rest in our lives.
We do not think that we are better than anyone. We walk in the anointing therefore people are ignorant of the power of destroying yokes. Even those that we carry are no longer burdensome because of Christ living in our bodies.  We are passing through this life. Our destination is to teach others the powers that they also receive from a God, who is not a respecter of person. I walk in power and the authority given to me and not to me only but many who walk by faith and not by sight, we must be strong masculine or has strong masculine in our appearance. We as the people of God easily identified and targeted by those who walk around with the spirit of Satan.  Our distinct attributes of God is hearing His word and allowing to take root in us. That we may be a tree that bring forth good fruit that it shall not be pluck in the day of adversity. Walking in the favor of God in the statutes of Jesus brings stability and peace to our Spirit. We are jointly together one with another for we are the people of God. Therefore, whose report will you believe we shall believe the report of the Lord? Who heals me and anoints me for this journey.  Many have treated me unkind talk about me and lie to me. Wounded me injury me however through it all I press for the mark of the higher calling in Christ Jesus.
It is when these trails come we gain muscle, and that makes me strong and change come to my mindset of people I am no longer will allow myself to be ignorant to. Opposed too many leaders who said they are and I have found them not to be of the faith. Therefore, I will refuse to allow myself to offend those who are supposed to be authoritative leaders given them over to God. Who will pick their hearts?  I owe no man no apology but only to treat them with love and kindness. If I have offending anyone, I shall apologize. But knowing that I owe man no apology yet I will apologize.  Allowing them to see God who lives in me and the works I do it is not I but my Father who lives in me. Every one of us could have the same that I am blessed with if a there heart were as contrite as mine and hungry and thirsty after righteousness. I do not boast in myself it is God that I boast in.  He will receive the glory from me and out of my loins. It is not I who but this anointing on me where it is manifest by the Spirit of the living God it is God who has anointed me. The love we share with our heavenly father many will not understand it. It is so powerful it hurts this type of love. It will bring you joy in an instance. Love for those who injured or desire to do physical harm. However relating to the body of Christ as there are a physical mind." mental faculties that need to be “challenges" by the Word of God. Many leaders believe that we were in some contest when it was a call that we shared as prophet’s teachers and preacher for the edification of the body of Christ. This race have become a game each person are in competition, especially, and now we are in a duel because one thinks negative about a wife for her husband. When many should just mind their business, they are a bunch of busy body’s silly women causing division from their evil conscious.
When it comes to me and my husband please I am asking everyone to stay out of our marriage, I desire my husband to succeed and do not have a Jezebel spirit. The devil is a liar and the father of lies. I am very submissive to my man of God. The love we share and how we desire to stay together through the trials and tribulation. Though we have accepted the challenge," There are several people who suffer ignorance in the body of Christ they are the explosion and injure people. Who will not hear from Gods anointed prophets? Therefore, they shall not prosper in no way.  There are several people who suffer physical harm or damage unpleasant).With sexual desires that are so experienced intensely with pain". Discomfort caused by illness or injury. "She’s in great pain." She has the injury to her back to living tissue caused by a cut, blow, or another impact. There is an another." the problem in the body of Christ we can’t seem to tell which is the original document or carbon copy. However when there are two or more people, it is easily identified. Indicating the point in space at which a journey started. We should never judge so quickly before we can take the speck out of someone eye we must first take the log out of yours. She began to walk away from him" the action or process of causing so much damage to something typically one in which the skin is cut or broken. Telling us that this is a injure person) to become sound or healthy again.
That is the Good News we can be whole again. We may fall but praise God He gives us another chance to get back up. We learn to forgive those who come against us and say all manner of evil about us. There for I will run this race with excellence from this day forward and try my best not to offend or cause harm to no man. But to reconcile with everyone that I may obtain an excellent report with man and God.

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