is the arrangement of
things following one
after another in
time. This was God’s plan however it was tainted by man.
God's plan never needed reassurance of man only faith and love for God. In the midst of
a world that is slowly dying and
losing faith in God only because the chronological order has took a direction
that has cause man to fall away from God in a time of the great the fallen away.
Christian who still ask the question had God really called all nations to enter
into life with God? Sounds like Satan in the garden saying to Eve had God said
not to eat of the tree of knowledge or good and evil. Was the crucified Messiah really the beacon
of hope for both Jews and Gentiles? Would God really save through a ministry
that ended with crucifixion? What about the endless obstacles the church was
suffering in getting its message out into the world? Might the obstacles not be
a sign of God's judgment on a message gone awry, rather than evidence of
blessings He has for His people if they only had faith in the obedience of God’s
Word what these questions even exist or come to the mind of Gods people. Twisting
His Word with a lie. Making what is light darkness. Things are not always as they seem. Sometimes
what most hinders our perception of what God is doing is our own expectation of
what God should do or would do. How we feel about things now how God sovereign actions
be questions. Where is our saving faith as witnesses of what God has done
through us? Saving souls and being the light of this dark world. However so
much have chronologically took the Word out of the mind of man. Because it’s not or will be in the
chronological order we might assume that was God's saving plan. If we take a
look of sovereignly it will introduced us to the world by knowing who we serve
an omnipotent God. Would we carried out
quite straightforwardly what it is God desire of us, like a championship team leading
and steaming through the playoffs to a triumphant to the Super Bowl in this
race which is not given to the swift nor the battle for the strong time and
chance happens for us all. We all yet some will receive the World Cup victory.
Surely God would vanquish all foes and would be embraced by especially when he
reveals his messenger with wondrous displays of power.
However His messengers are rejected by their
very own co laborers in Christ. Christ says if you do not accept them you also
rejected me. God never took or put anything out of chronological order it was
man. When God is a God of order. This word chronological order when it comes to
God means, one thing that follows another in the order that He began. However
He that begun a good work in us shall complete it unto the day of Christ. In the beginning Gods Word was in
Chronological order, however God presented Himself in times of old His ways
never changed it was man’s ways that change time. Malachi
3:6 For I, the LORD, do not change; therefore you, O sons of Jacob, are not
consumed. 7"From the days of your fathers you have
turned aside from my statutes and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will
return to you," says the LORD of hosts. "But you say, 'How shall we
God’s Word was always in chronological order knowing that God is a God of
order. However when man put their hands to the plow they tinted and twisted his
Word. And
Jesus said to him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back,
is fit for the kingdom of God. God’s Word started when man did not
exist. However it was when man existed what was in chronological order man put
out of order through their disobedience. His Word in the beginning was in
chronological order. The theme as we would read it in Genesis until the fall of
man it was out of order. As you can read and hear the Word of God speaking out
to you hearing Abel blood crying out from the grave. As time passed so di those
unspoken Words from God as God allow man to carried His presence in the ark. God’s
grace and standard and His criterion of what was to come. God’s Word was as
intoxicating as His principles and standards accepted as axiomatic as it
started the evangelistic approach of what was in the heart and mind of God. His Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light
unto my path. God’s Word was self-evident and unquestionable to those whose
faith grow in the love and need for God and His purpose and will for our lives.
This helps us see Gods will for man more clearly showing His love for humanity
is greatly seen. God’s Word does not
require no proof only faith that we believe God so loved
this world that He gave His only begotten Son that who so ever believe in Him
shall not parish but have everlasting life. Word became the reality on a journey that shows
Gods sovereignty of His arrangement as He orchestrates His Word following one
after another in time as in the cannon that was put together in an order that
defeated the darkness that had enter in this world. A world that was blinded by
the darkness that engulf the entrance of the house God has given to Adam and
Eve was a house of order. Truly if a man home is not in order He cannot handle
the things of God. Therefore order began and ended in the Garden of Eden. God
brought order and man put what God put in order and man touch what was
forbidden and it was out of order. Therefore the Chronological moments not are
not in chronological order however because of prophesy we can say that it all
works together in the order God originally had for man. To love Him enough to
be obedient to His Word. The change of the
order came because of the fall in the Garden of Eden. Because of the fall what
was once in order could not never be in order because death now enter into the
world. What was once perfect now becomes imperfect. However because of Gods
mercy serves us, now he looks at us and we are forgiveness now he looks at us
as he would look at His Son Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins.
All scripture is prophesy all scripture is given by
inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction, for instruction in righteousness. This is one of several reasons
why God did put the scriptures in chronological order. The other is all things
work together for our good those who love the Lord and are the called according
to His purpose. What we fail to realize is that because God himself knows our
end as well as our beginning that is the order He desire just as one day is as
a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day. That is How God is His ways
are not our ways. Some people say it’s not all that deep however how deep is
your love for God to know him. Deuteronomy
29:29 The
secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us
and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.
3:10 that I may know him. By enjoying his presence in the soul; an experimental
knowledge. And the power of his resurrection. The resurrection demonstrated him
to be the Son of God with power (Ro 1:4). The mighty power that worked in his
resurrection works in the saints (1) in their resurrection from spiritual death
to a new life (Col 2:13 Ephesians 1:19-23). It is therefore a present power.
(2) It works also when they are lifted from the dead to eternal life.
Consciousness of the victory over sin is the earnest of the ultimate triumph
over death. And the fellowship of his sufferings. Christ's life is the plan of
that of the saint. Like him, we take the cross, are crucified with him (Ro
6:6), are baptized into his death (Ro 6:3), are planted in the likeness of his
death, and are risen with him (Col 3:1). In all these we look to the suffering
Savior, and are conformable to his death. Not only do we take the "form"
of his sufferings, but we sympathize with him. If the obedience is from the
heart, there is a partaking of his sufferings.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Chronological is the arrangement
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