Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Elohim the one true God


Elohim the one true God  who created a mentality that gives us Love with no conditions. 

Yet, the vitality of our humans limits our vision and plan. Way of thinking distorts our Mantle because we depend upon humanity. Instead of dependency on God totally. We have been taking the baby steps. New Testament prophets are different from the Old Testament norm. Now it is not just reserved for a few but is for all. This was made clear when Peter preached at Pentecost and quoted the Old Testament prophet Joel: "And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy" (Acts 2:17). Not only will it manifest through us all, but the nature of the prophetic is now primarily encouraging.

"But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort" (1 Corinthians 14:3). "For you can all prophesy in turn so that everyone may be instructed and encouraged" (1 Corinthians 14:31). The gift of prophecy is something we are all to do. It is encouraging in nature. Yes. 

Therefore, remember that prophets are those who carried an impressive mantle. This Mantle has distinct functions. It is this Mantle derived from God; it is the most sacred place. It was a God-dwelling place that covers upon man to wear each day. By this Mantle, the world shall know we are sent to be God revealing messenger called the prophets and Apostles rising to take back the truth in God's Word to walk in the newness of His abiding presence and Mantle.


Close your eyes Exercise


Close your eyes and keep them closed as much as possible until the end of the process. You will be taking nine deep relaxation breaths.

            For the first three breaths, breathe into any physical tension you are holding in your body, then hooking that tension with the breath, release it with the out-breath.

For the second three breaths, breathe into any emotional tension you are holding, notice where you are holding emotional stress in your body, then hooking that tension with the breath, release it with the out-breath.

            For the third three breaths, breathe into any mental tension or worries you are holding, notice where you are holding mental stress in your body, then hooking that tension with the breath, release it with the out-breath.

            Sit quietly and notice how you feel. Open your eyes. I will lift my eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.         Psalm 121 My help cometh from the Lord, which made Heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepnet thee will not slumber. Behold, he that keepnet Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.

            This exercise is remarkably like the last but a bit more advanced in that it skips the writing down part. We ask God for a prophetic message, picture, or whatever and then meditate on it for 5 or 10 minutes. We do not give it right away. We explore it with Jesus by asking Him to show us more about every single aspect of what He initially showed us. The purpose of that is to help you stay focused on one prophetic Word for a longer time and to go deeper in it. You will be surprised about how comprehensive your prophecy will be after 5 or 10 minutes.

            God, What do You think of me?" – Everyone takes a sheet of paper and a pen. We start with writing down a personal question (a perfect one is "God, what do You think/feel when You look at me?"), and then we get quiet, listen, and write down everything that comes to our minds. The purpose of this exercise is to grow more comfortable hearing God for ourselves, which will tremendously enrich our private time and relationship with Him. This exercise One of the biggest challenges in hearing God's voice is to discern it from our thoughts. This is what God's voice sounds most like because the Holy Spirit dwells within us, and so He speaks from the same direction that our thoughts come from.

            Many will hardly write down anything because they frequently think it is their thoughts. They block themselves. A much better approach is to write down EVERYTHING that comes to our mind after asking Jesus the question. Do not try to discern right away; just write it all down. Do not look at the paper for a day or two and then reread it. It will be much more apparent to you now what was God and what He was not.

            Redirect them by grabbing the wheel and focusing on the Word of God. The longer you meditate on negativity, the more opportunity for damage there is, so grab the wheel and "set your mind and keep focused habitually on the things above [the heavenly things], not on things that of the earth [which have only temporal value]"

            A prophetic activation is an exercise where you practice and try to develop the skill of hearing God's voice for someone else.

            Believe that prophetic activations are essential in growing in the prophetic.            Often, we are tempted to prophesy out of what we know and see. Especially among friends, prophesying can be a tough thing because we already know them so well. This exercise is meant to avoid this pitfall and help us get comfortable using the prophetic without knowing the person.

            Method 1 – The leader will secretly assign one person in the group to target prophetic ministry. However, the leader will not tell anyone who he or she picked. Then the group begins to prophesy over person XYZ, not knowing who they are ministering to. Only at the end, the leader will reveal who was chosen. However, often the assigned person will have already realized by that point that they were prophesying over him or her.

            Method 2 – This is just another method for the last exercise: In an even-numbered group, let everyone draw a lot with a number that they will keep a secret. This will be their number. Then collect the lots and let everyone draw another number. This will be the number they will prophesy over. (Repeat if someone drew their number. Now everyone has time to ask God for a prophecy for the second number they drew. When sharing, let one after another say first the number and then give the prediction (without the addressed number revealing that it is them. When everyone finished, let people show which number they were and how accurate the prophetic Word was they received. Wherefore encourages the prophets to establishes the favorable Way, Seeking the face of God learning to hear His voice. Despite many false prophets who do not walk in the Way but get in the Way who become delusional, taking off their Mantle after bathing in the anointing with delusional water taking the Mantle of God off, and putting it back on a fifty body as it was never washed. Even in the darkest night, God's Love shines during it.

            The bible gives the truth, and the Prophets walk. The false Prophet walks in lies anything contrary to the will and the Word of the truth. Therefore the Prophet works by the voice of God's Word. Deception cannot stand before the truth light deems in a sinful person while the light is turned off—light a switch when darkness is taken in it.  

            Each Prophetic mental is under observation comforting to practice the art of wearing and putting on Christ and drink of the cup of Jesus Christ, who He has sent the prophets whom He talks to. When Gods  prophets ignore

His warning,

 He sends out a warrant for their arrest.

Because what He reveals To His Prophets

 Prophets Forgotten How to Hope and their attitude is singe with conviction hopes, and so they ate in lacks confidence, and the lack of confidence lacks Faith. Between God and His Prophets. Anointing to flow and to heal to occur.

            How have you expressed your Faith? Have you described it in faith statements like those above? Have you said it in faith actions? Look again at Abraham's example; he acted without knowing the whole plan. "It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going. And even when he reached the land God promised him, he lived thereby Faith…" (Hebrews 11:8-9).

            The most fun, though, has come from doing prophetic activations in a group. It is a great way to build community and, since I value community, I thrive on this. God, if my partner were a tree, what tree would they be and why? God, if my partner were a vehicle, what vehicle would they be and why? God, if my partner were some confection, what would they be and why?

            God, What do you see my partner clothed in and why? God, if my partner were something in a supermarket, what would they be and why? God, if a book were written about my partner, what would the title of the book be? God, if my partner starred in a movie, what would the film be about? God,           If my partner was an animal, what animal would they be and why? God, if my partner was a person in a hospital,  who would they are, their role, and why? God, if my partner were something at a playground, what would they be and why or where would they be in the garden and why?       

            Faith is a seed-minded of water. Some seeds grow faster than others, depending on their measure of Faith that is often accumulated in time. Likewise, the seed grows into a tree that is planted by the waters of waters. If anything that is not produced, it will surely die, Psalm 1:3 King James And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water. That bringeth forth his fruit in his season.     Knowing God, loving God, and serving Faith is a spiritual battle to win God and maintain God's Love. The elect of God chosen before the foundation of the world. However, give to the world to win the world and bring God's truth to the world. That He that believed shall not be an. To save sinners from the sting of death. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that who so-ever shall call on the name of Jesus shall be saved, So He sent His true prophets to tell the world that just the mention of the name of Jesus the world and they that live in it if they believed upon the name of Jesus shall be saved from the evil that lurks in the inhabitabitation of its lions.           

Elohim the one true God created a mentality that gives us Love with no conditions.

Yet the vitality of our human limits our vision and plan Way of thinking

distorts our Mantle because we depend upon humanity

instead of dependency

on God totally. The elect of God chosen before the foundation of the world. However, give to the world to win the world and bring God's truth to the world. That He that believed shall not be an. To save sinners from the sting of death. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that who so-ever shall call on the name of Jesus shall be saved, So He sent His true prophets to tell the world that just the mention of the name of Jesus the world and they that live in it if they believed upon the name of Jesus shall be saved from the evil that lurks in the of its lions.          

Elohim the one true God created a mentality that gives us Love with no conditions.

Yet, the vitality of our humans limits our vision and plan. Way of thinking distorts our Mantle because we depend upon humanity instead of dependency on God totally. We have been taking the baby steps. New Testament prophets are different from the Old Testament norm. Now it is not just reserved for a few but is for all.

This was made clear when Peter preached at Pentecost and quoted the Old Testament prophet, Joel: "And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy" (Acts 2:17). Not only will it manifest through us all, but the nature of the prophetic is now primarily encouraging.

            "But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort" (1 Corinthians 14:3). "For you can all prophesy in turn so that everyone may be instructed and encouraged" (1 Corinthians 14:31). The gift of prophecy is something we are all to do. It is encouraging in nature. Yes.

            Therefore remember that prophets are those who carried an impressive mantle. This Mantle has different functions. It is this Mantle derived from God; it is the most sacred place. It was an A god-dwelling place that covers upon man, to wear each day. By this Mantle, the world shall know we are sent to be God revealing messenger called the prophets and Apostles rising to take back the truth in God's Word to walk in the newness of His abiding presence and Mantle.


Our Mantle holds a space in our lives as our supreme authority and is willing to serve others. We practice sincere humility will reveal Himself to you., you will smell sin, taste it, and hate evil.

When we come to realize that God has given us a specific purpose for our lives, we can move forward with confidence, fully trusting the One who called us to Himself. Like John the Baptist, we do not have to fear to live with a radical focus on our God-given mission. Can there be any greater joy or fulfillment in this life than to know God's pleasure and reward await us in Heaven? Contaminate the garden of Eden. It with continue acts of sin. They belong to Him even in their sin, God's intention within it. God's Love is shown through God's mercy; this demonstration God's compassion that never fails us... God's signature should be all over us. God's Love makes us inseparable from Him, making us eager to know Him and love Him and be into Him. Only to desire more of Him.

. From that period on, prophetic ministry is a function of the church body who recognized that the release of God's power came from being under authority. Your God essence you will desire is he Son and God the Holy ghost secure, but the Love for God the Father. The Word of God will fall in Love with there will be a hungry and thirst for God. a desire for His righteous Love which cannot be found in man. The purity of heart and rectitude of life; conformity of nature and energy to the divine law. As used in Scripture and theology, righteousness is chiefly used, is equivalent to holiness, comprehending religious principles and affections of heart, and conformity of life to the divine law. It includes all we call justice, honesty, and virtue, with holy affections; in short, it is true religion.

Applied to God, the perfection or holiness of his nature; exact rectitude; faithfulness.

Here will also be a desire to see him, and The Christian life involves inner transformation. By the Holy Spirit's power, we are changed from our old sinful nature into the image of Christ. Jesus, who is the ultimate example, demonstrated the greatest act of humility by emptying himself of glory to become a human.

True humility is a low self-regard and a sense of unworthiness. Humility can mean recognizing self-concerning God and subsequent submission to said Creator as a member of that religion. Seeing ourselves as God sees us—with all the worth and worthiness that he ascribes to us, but with no more value than anyone else. When we submit to God and give him the first fruit putting God first when awake up in the morning and bow down on our knees praising Him giving God our all, we can expect that we will get His attention.


Woven yourself in the Mantle

 Woven yourself in your Mantle'And whatever you  do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.' (Col 3:17) To weigh of your calling will be woven you into that ministry. The Apostle Paul began his ministry serving in the local Church at Antioch. Despite the powerful prophetic call on his life, he waited until church leaders confirmed the timing of that call before he launched out in his missionary calling. (Acts 13)

 God challenged Jeremiah to speak despite his youthfulness and timidity. "Alas, Sovereign Lord," I said, "I do not know how to speak; I am too young." But the Lord said to me, "Do not say, 'I am too young.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you." (Jeer 1:6-7) To grow into your prophetic Calling, you will face times of stretching again and again. These are points of decision, orchestrated by the Holy Spirit, in which you can follow and obey God's call upon your life. 'The Lord will perfect that which concerns me.' (Ps 138:8, NKJV) The call of God—especially His call to ministry—is powerful and life-changing. Some of us get intense about it. We think it should happen all at once and then get stressed when the doors of opportunity do not open.

Some might say that Jesus was the last mantle that we wear in most cases, this is God, and Jesus gives it by the Holy Spirit trust. However, we are guarantee to wear His mantle. We are also to wear the mantle: case and point let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what helps build others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen (Eph. 4:29). We need to be intentional about what we are speaking. 

Our prophetic words count have the power to create realities. Life and death are in the power of the tongue (Prov. 18:21). The world is starving for encouragement. We get the opportunity to proclaim what God says about them instead of what the world has told them.

How to Activate an Individual •• Do everything you can to encourage them to hear from God. Leading & Activating Others in the Supernatural, Steve & Ruth Moore • Help create a safe place for them to practice. Share stories where you got it right and wrong and celebrated every time they take a risk. • You can do the group activations from the following section or one of the following: Pick a friend on your Facebook that they do not know.

Show them the profile picture and ask them to describe your friend. Point out that what they may have thought was good intuition is prophetic. Give feedback and ask increasingly specific questions. Help them learn when they are guessing and when they are hearing God. Do the exercise, too, so that you can model risk and be comfortable with getting it wrong. We are all learning! o Call your friend and ask each other questions like, "Did you have ...... for dinner?" "Is your mother's birthday .....?" When you are out and about, in group situations, spur each other to get encouraging words for people. Celebrate no matter how small or simple your friend might think their Word is. • Continue to share with them how you hear God and share the prophetic testimonies to create an expectancy and hunger for it. 

Activities to Lead a Church/Group in a Prophetic Activation Before you start, ask the leader the right questions to find out whether they have built a foundation or not. If they are nervous or new, we recommend beginning from 

Activity 1. If they are more confident, you can start with some of the more advanced activities. These are a few suggestions to get started. Feel free to add and experiment with your own. Exercise 1: Demonstrate Getting Prophetic Words • Pick someone in the audience to give a prophetic word to. Politely ask their name and ask them to stand. • Give them a prophetic word but explain how you received each part of the Word as you give it. Tell them what you are feeling, seeing, sensing, and then how you interpret each piece. 

Leading & Activating Others in the Supernatural, Steve & Ruth Moore • Ask the person for feedback and explain its importance in learning and growing. • Do this with a couple of people to demonstrate the different ways God speaks and how to deliver a prophetic word.

The Word of the Lord came to me, saying you are entitled to everything that was taken from you. This is a prophetic word for someone given to me three times in. What the enemy has stolen from you. You shall receive a double portion. You shall receive a double portion. You shall receive a double portion of what the enemy meant for a bed that will turn it around for your good. The Lord is strong and mighty. It is He who shall save you from self-destruction. You shall not and will not self-destruct. We declare and decree it in the atmosphere. Therefore, God is releasing a supernatural blessing that Pompey can pour out by the releasing and outgoing the Spirit of the living God. We stand with the Lord, strong and mighty. We declare decree blessings of the Lord shall come down. We declare and decree that this too shall come to pass. Every One who shall receive this prayer knows this prayer from Heaven But everything that the enemy has stolen from you, I shall receive a double portion of blessings. I am blessed and highly favor the Lord. I am highly in favor of the Lord. I am the sparrow of God.

Therefore I shall rejoice because I have victory; I will rejoice because I am victorious. Therefore no weapon formed against me shall prosper. It cannot go any; further, it cannot grow any further because of the Spirit that Liz and me, so I declare and

the name of the Father in the name of the Son and in the name of the Holy Ghost you shall receive a double portion.

Decree right now in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Nothing can come nigh because God sent His warring angelic angels to war on my behalf. Gods angels, they are watching over me. We are not prone to this world. We are just traveling through. Therefore we must put on our safety garment, which is the whole Armor of God.,

He sent his angels to encamp around me day in and day out nothing can come nigh unto nevertheless, who shall I fear?

 Mantles also represent the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Mantles represent the calling of God. Mantles represent ministerial succession. Mantles represent God’s approval. Mantles represent protection. Mantles represent functions. Mantles represent royal identity. Mantles represent prophetic ministry. Mantle of Power encounters with Him.

Your Father is a God of liberality, and ‘without measure’ means there is no end to the supply of His Spirit to you.

  1. Choose a Wardrobe that Honors God Every Day

‘…put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness (Eph 4:24b, NIV)

In receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit, God has supernaturally clothed us with His power (Acts 2).

The New Testament also makes clear that we have a responsibility to cast off our ‘old self’ with its sinful ways and to wear (put on) our new life in Christ (Eph 4:20-32, Rom 13:12).

When we operate in the gifts and power of the Spirit, people are receiving from God through us, so walking in integrity is vital.

Make it your heart’s desire to be sensitive to the person of the Holy Spirit and to live a lifestyle that is compatible with His holiness.

This is not through your own strength, but through the grace which He freely supplies (Rom 8).

See yourself walking in that colorful and powerful garment that is the Person and Presence of the Holy Spirit and His anointing on your life.

And choose a wardrobe that honors Jesus every day.

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[1] The Greek word translated ‘clothed’ or ‘endued’ (NKJV) in the Holy Spirit is endow (G1746). It is used in other parts of the New Testament to describe putting on physical clothing, including the story of the prodigal son, and is also used in the symbolic sense. Matt 6:24, 27:31, Mark 1:6, 6:9. Luke 15:22. For more examples, see

[2] See ‘How to Receive the Mantle God Has Destined for You’ for more on this

[3] Strong’s G4164 (I recall learning this from John Paul Jackson)

[4] Strong’s G3623

[5] In 1 Tim 4:14-15 and 2 Tim 1:6-7, Paul holds Timothy personally responsible for the growth and stewardship of his gifts and ministry. See the article ‘Break Out of Limitations and Grow Your Spiritual Gifts’

[6] Strong’s G4137

[7] Acts 4 is an example of this. See ‘Pentecost and the Language of Hunger for God’

The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity–equal with the Father and Son in essence. The Holy Spirit has the Attributes of a Person. The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity–comparable with the Father and Son in the heart. Since one of the significant aspects of God’s nature is that he is a person, it follows that the Holy Spirit is a person. Since one of the important characteristics of God’s character is that he is a person, it follows that the Holy Spirit is a person. Isaiah cited an example of how Israel “rebelled and vexed his Holy Spirit.” (Isa. 63:10). The Holy Spirit can respond emotionally to the ideas and experiences he encounters. The Holy Spirit also has the ability of will and the ability to exercise it. Even as Christians, it is possible for us to be unaware of one of God's most awesome blessings. Although we may know we have been saved, we might not realize that the Holy Spirit came to live within us at that moment. And even if we have heard this truth, we may not understand who the Spirit is or why His indwelling presence is significant. The Scripture tells us everything we need to know about this fantastic gift of the Holy Spirit sent to us from our heavenly Father to enable us to become and do what He desires. The apostle Paul noted the intellectual ability of the Holy Spirit when he asked, “What man knows Eth the things of a man save the spirit of man which is in him? Even so, the things of God know Eth no man, but the Spirit of God” (1 Cor. 2:11). The rational capacity of the Holy Spirit was expanded to include wisdom and communication when Paul’s prayer request for the Ephesians had “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him” (Eph. 1:17). The Holy Spirit's emotional ability is evident in the word of the apostle, “the love of the Holy Spirit” (Rom. 15:30).

One of the problems associated with emotions is the possibility of being grieved by someone who is loved. The Bible warns Christians, “Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God” (Eph. 4:30). Isaiah cited an example of how Israel “rebelled and vexed his Holy Spirit” (Isa. 63:10). The Holy Spirit can respond emotionally to the ideas and experiences he encounters. The Holy Spirit also has the ability of will and the ability to exercise it. By his own choice, the Holy Spirit accomplishes several specific acts, such as giving spiritual gifts. “But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will” (1 Cor. 12:11). The Holy Spirit performs the actions of a person. The Holy Spirit does several things only a person can do.

It should be noted that the Holy Spirit is not a Person because he does those things attributable to personality, but instead does the actions of the essence because he is a person. Consider the following chart to see how the Holy Spirit does those things which only a person can do.

The Acts of the Person of the Holy Spirit

  • He teaches – John 14:26
  • He testifies – John 15:26
  • He guides – Rom. 8:14
  • He speaks – 1 Cor. 2:13
  • He enlightens – John 16:13
  • He strives – Gen. 6:3.
  • He commands – Acts 8:28
  • He intercedes – Rom. 8:26
  • He sends workers – Acts 13:4.
  • He calls – Rev. 22:17
  • He comforts – John 16:7.
  • He works – 1 Cor. 12:11

The above actions cannot be accomplished by a mere influence or force. Only a rational, emotional, and active person could do all that the Scriptures teach the Holy Spirit accomplishes.

The Holy Spirit was Addressed as a Person.

The New Testament clearly shows the early Christians recognized and affirmed the Holy Spirit as a Person. Peter obeyed the Holy Spirit when he was commanded to go to Cornelius’s household (Acts 10:19). Philip followed the leading of the Holy Spirit in his ministry also (Acts 8:39). Against his better judgment, Ananias came to Saul, obeying what the Holy Spirit had revealed to him (Acts 9:10-17). Paul and Silas were constantly led by the Holy Spirit in their ministry (Acts 16:7-10). The Bible also records the story of two disciples who attempted to lie to the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:3).

At his trial, Stephen addressed the Sanhedrin, saying, “Ye stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.” (Acts 7:51). Jesus also warned about blaspheming the Holy Spirit (Matt. 12:31), and the Bible also warns of the consequences of insulting the Holy Spirit. “Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, with which he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?” (Heb. 10:29). Is it any wonder the writer concludes, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Heb. 10:31)? This would not be so if we had a proper reverence for the Person of the Holy Spirit as did David (Ps. 51:11).

Association of Persons

A fourth scriptural illustration of the Holy Spirit as a person is seen in Trinity's references. Jesus commanded his disciples to “teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matt. 28:19). Jesus acknowledged three distinct Persons of the Trinity but recognized their unity in a simple name. In our understanding of the Trinity, we realize that what is true of God is true of each part of the Trinity of God. God the Father is a personal God interested in us (John 3:16; 1 John 3:1). God the Son is also shown as a personal God interested in us (John 13:1). If the teaching of Scripture was unclear concerning the Holy Spirit's personality; his association with other members of the Trinity of God as an equal indicates that he too is a person.


Guiding You To And Aiding You Given Your The Ability To Control Your Change

 Guiding You To And Aiding You  To be clothed with a person is a Greek phrase, signifying to assume another's interests - to enter his views, imitate him, and be wholly on his side. Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the desires of the flesh.

            "[The mantle] is called 'the garment of incorruption and purity' [in the text of the Tonsure ceremony], and the absence of sleeves is to remind the monk that he is debarred from worldly pursuits. The Mantle is given him in token of the 'exalted angelic state,' which he assumes, “We do not select a mantle; it is established and destined by God. A blanket is not ours for the choosing; it is determined ahead of time by God. The desire God places in our hearts is just one indication, among other confirmations, of the Calling that is ours.  He has the mind in Christ. The ancient Jews frequently use the phrase putting on the Shechinah, or Divine majesty, to signify the soul's being clothed with immortality and rendered fit for glory. Your Father wants to reveal what He is up to, even if you are feeling today as though you are during the trial or a long period of waiting for your Calling.

            Galatians 3:27 For as many of you as having been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Ephesians 4:24 And that you put on the new man created in righteousness and true holiness after God. That they might not mistake his meaning concerning the decent clothing which he encourages them to walk in, he immediately explains himself by the use of a common form of speech, and says, still following his metaphor, Put on the Lord Jesus Christ - receive his doctrine, copy his example, and seek the things which belong to another making provision for the flesh or body, to gratify its animal desires and propensities.

            Colossians 3:10-12 And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created save us. Romans…13;14 Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and sensuality, not in dissension and jealousy. Take no thought for the flesh to supply a stimulus to its lusts. A life of luxury and self-indulgence is apt to excite those fleshly impulses that Christians should try rather than mortify.

            He, therefore, warns his readers not to give their thoughts to such things. Put ye on the Lord Jesus  This is about what is said, Romans 13:13: Let us put on decent garments - let us make a different profession, unite with other company, and maintain that profession by proper conduct. Putting on, or being clothed with Jesus Christ, signifies receiving and believing the Gospel and consequently taking its maxims for the government of life after learning the error of our ways. When we step into this perspective of Love, we can prophesy accordingly and better express God's Love. God speaks back to us instantly, like a friend on the phone. We do not ask our friend a question and then must wait 2 minutes to reply. We get an answer immediately. A key here is the first thought' principle.

            The first thought that flies through your head when you ask God a question captures that thought. If it is encouraging, edifying, or comforting, then go with that thought.

            God loves questions, so ask God some more questions about the thought that came to you to find out more. E.g., why did you show me that God?

            Prioritize the Prophetic :

            Pursue Love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy" (1 Corinthians 14:1). Paul just finished the "Love Chapter" (1 Corinthians 13) and now tells us to pursue spiritual gifts. He had listed nine of these gifts in 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 (tongues, miracles, healing, prophecy, etc.). We are to pursue the manifestation of all these gifts in our lives, but we are to go after learning to prophesy above all others. God would never tell us to desire something that He did not want us to have. Office Of Prophet

            Those in the office of a prophet (Ephesians 4:11) may at times rebuke and correct, but that is not the purpose of the prophetic gift described in 1 Corinthians 14.

            Intermediate Activation Exercises – Improving the Prophetic. The purpose of these intermediate exercises is to progress in the use of the prophetic.

            They are based on the basic methods we have learned in the previous chapter but intend to improve specific predictive areas (underlined in each description).

            Anyway – Here merely all the above methods (the basics) are applicable. The purpose of this exercise is to help us stay sensitive to multiply channels at the same time as we eventually do not want to limit our focus to one single Way while ministering prophetically.

            Favorite Way Excluded – This exercise is remarkably like the last one, but here, everyone is asked to purposefully exclude the channel through which they hear God speak most easily. As mentioned earlier, we all are tempted to pick our favorite method. This exercise is supposed to avoid that by encouraging us to grow more comfortable in ways different from those we prefer. It will help us to be more attentive to the variety of ways God talks to us. Journaling: Ask God for a short prophetic sentence, message, just one sentence with no more than 20 words. Could you write it down? Then ask God to highlight one single Word of this sentence and ask God for more understanding of this Word. Integrate those meanings into the start sentence.

            The purpose of this exercise is to pursue a deeper understanding of what God shows us, rather than just delivering the message right away. We want to value what God shows us and seek Him to understand what He speaks before moving on to something new. By doing this, we increase the accuracy and impact of the one prophetic Word we give.

            The essence of retreat at Springwater is together in the simplicity and openness of silent awareness. We are attending moment-to-moment of God who dwells in us by His Holy Spirit. God, He cannot live in anything unclean. So He sent His Son into the world t put on the Mantle of flesh. Jesus was cover in sin. He put sin on like a blanket.

            The same Way He put on sin, we must put on Jesus Christ to grow up in our salvation. What is happening within and without, in a spirit of wonder, curiosity, and discovery? With the same beginning sentence. Putting on Christ is an exercise to Meditate in Silence His Spirit in us. Activate Your Mantle by Focusing on God's Word Spend time praying about the situation that needs God's Anointing to break that yoke of bondage... Are you in need of healing? Of a relationship restoration? Of financial breakthrough? Whatever is weighing on your heart and mind, begin in the Word of God for scriptures that apply to your situation.

            Once you find them, write them out, memorize them, and set them in a place where you will see them often throughout the day, such as the background on your phone, laptop, or tablet.

When your thoughts drift into the lane of fear and negativity, Cultivate, then Activate. The purpose of these intermediate exercises is to progress in the use of the prophetic. They are based on the basic methods we have learned in the previous chapter but intend to improve specific predictive areas (underlined in each description). Anyway – Here merely all the above methods (the basics) are applicable. The purpose of this exercise is to help us stay sensitive to multiply channels at the same time as we eventually do not want to limit our focus to one single Way while ministering prophetically. Cultivate and keep it.—Genesis 2:15. Cultivate: to improve by labor, care, or study; to refine or cultivate the mind (

            God created a garden, and mankind (in His own image and likeness). God's purpose is accomplished because men and women cultivate and guard. They produce what is provided to them in terms of both physical and spiritual things. If cultivation occurs, it will protect against degeneration. So another principle begins to emerge: Not only must sound training come from pure doctrine, but we must make an effort to cultivate, producing more fruit and more tremendous growth. If we neglect this great salvation, our spiritual lives are going to degenerate. The truths that we formerly held in high esteem will begin to slip away. The power of God came into your life the day you receive the Holy Spirit: "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you…" (Act 1:8). However, this does not mean it is active all the time; you've got to activate it. That is why Paul told Timothy to stir up the gift of God in him. He was referring to the power of the Holy Spirit, which can be dormant in your Spirit unless you activate it.

            Journaling: the act of expressing your deepest thoughts and feelings by putting words to your inner life and then putting these words on paper. ... Journaling is a vehicle of emotional exploration, a way to channel complicated feelings into healthy and creative outcomes. Ask God for a short prophetic sentence, message, just one sentence with no more than 20 words. Write it down. Then ask God to highlight one single Word of this sentence and ask God for more understanding of this Word. Taking the time to write in my journal helps me to quiet my mind enough to formulate clear thoughts, to really think about what God is saying to me through His Word, to reflect on how He's answering prayer.

            Journaling as a spiritual discipline involves the contemplation of life considering the spiritual center. ... Later, that same person might reflect through Journaling upon her own mortality, fear of death, and hope of a life beyond death.       Praise God. ...Write out your specific needs today. Ask God for guidance on all the decisions you need to make this week, listing them out for him to guide. Pray over those in your life that you want to grow close to God. Pray for something you know you need God to help you learn. For another, the day at work might have once again been stressful.

            It is like a mini-retreat for my soul, like fire integrates those meanings into the start-sentence. The purpose of this exercise is to pursue a deeper understanding of what God shows us, rather than just delivering the message right away. We want to value what God shows us and seek Him to understand what He speaks before moving on to something new. By doing this, we increase the accuracy and impact of the one prophetic Word we give. Meditation has been scientifically proven to boost the immune system, lower blood pressure, relieve depression, increase productivity, and promote creative thinking.  The practice of Meditation on Jesus, the serenity of His presence seek His presence each day sit with    Him learn to meditate on His Word.  has also been proven to improve health, emotional well being, increase happiness, improve personal relationships, and benefit families and communities at large.

            Meditation is not about trying to turn off your thoughts and emotions. It is about training in awareness and learning to observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment.

            Develop your mind and practice practitioners looking unto the hills from which comes your help./to develop their hearts, minds, and emotional awareness to lead more fulfilling lives and be of more significant benefit in the world. Ephesians 6:18 With all prayer and petition always pray in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints,

If you hunger and thirst after righteousness, you hungry after God's Love... The Holy Spirit's power will be changed from our old sinful nature into the image of Christ. Jesus, who is the ultimate example, demonstrated the greatest act of humility by emptying himself of glory to become a human. Inasmuch we have to put His Mantle on by draining ourselves putting on Christ each day of our life; expect to get His attention. Give reverence to His voice, take heed to His Word. The Word of God will fall in Love with there will be a hungry and thirst for God. A desire for His righteous Love, which cannot be found in man. True humility is putting God first. True humility is giving up the essential thing of your day in your day... True humility is giving God the first fruit of everything. The purity of heart and rectitude of life; conformity of nature and energy to the divine law. The first of Him is a low self-regard and a sense of unworthiness. Humility can mean recognizing self-concerning God and subsequent submission to His creative work His creative obedience. God, who is the creative essence of you and I have been trying to get our attention. He repeats Himself in how He loves of and continues to develop us repeatedly. 

He loves us so much that he causes us to see Ourselves in Love with Him. Creator as a member of that religion and seeing ourselves as God sees us. He ascribes to us all the worth and worthiness He desires us to be in Him. He wants us to value Him in ourselves in seeing the Love He has for us. Because we respect Him, it is a privileged instinct to reflect their Father's character. Like Father like Son, we must reach the significant works that we are supposed to do. If God did it before with the apostles and disciples, He could do it again if we are willing to receive the invitation.

The first Mantle is given to all born-again believers called Christians. How do we receive the Mantle. by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and by abiding in His presence applying His Word to our everyday lives. Which gives you access to God. Only then is one changed and are destine to fellowship with the Father. 

           The Mantle of Christ itself represents His divine Love and intimacy with the Father that can now be manifested in this beautiful demonstration of love dwelling inside the believer in Love with God with all their heart, mind, and strength. It is not until we put on the Mantle we can fore fill the Love for and wear it that we can enter into His rest... John 14:13-14 and whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it.

           Keywords; Ask in My name. The Father may be glorified in the Son. Jesus is the Logos, the Word of God, driven by divine wisdom manifest to redeem man from their sinful nature in the world. Jesus, pre-existing Self-Expression Logos God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Deserves respect, reverence, admiration, adoration, submission, obedience according to the will of God. God is the blessed of your blessings and desires you to ask in Jesus' name to be the recipient of His gift.

In Jesus's name, there are no failures.

In Jesus's name, we have victory over battles.

In Jesus, name demons tremble in fear.

In Jesus, name chains are broken. In Jesus's name, the devil comes in one Way and flees seven. In Jesus's name, God has not given us a spirit of fear but power, Love, and a sound mind.

In Jesus's name, no weapon form against us shall prosper. Jesus Christ has unlimited funds. He has granted you the ¬the privilege to cash checks that will not bounce, with His name on them. However, you cannot withdraw money out of an account that has a zero balance. John 15:7 "If you abide in me and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it shall be done for you." Authorized persons use Jesus's name to prove their right to access God and His kingdom. In Jesus's name, every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ Lord. 

Do you know the password that makes a way out of no way? Do you know the password that gives you living water in your dessert?

 Do you know the password that makes crooked places straight? 

Do you know the password that has forgiven past, present, and future sin?

Do you know the password that heals sickness and disease?

Do you know the password that has caused blind eyes to see, the lame to walk death ears to hear,

Do you know the password that changes the mind of gangster drug dealer's prostitutes and thieves?

Do you know the password hackers tried to hack and could not succeed...?

Do you know the password that put da Vinci code to open shame? Psalm 84:11 there is no good thing will God withhold from them that walk uprightly. Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: Matthew 7:8 for everyone that asked received; and he that seecatch saw, and to him that knocked it shall be opened.

           When you feel weary, ask God in the name of Jesus. He will revive you.

           Ask God in the name of Jesus when your mind developed an external glitch. He will bring back the remembrance of His righteousness.

           Ask God in the name of Jesus when you lost your connection; Jesus will guild you back in the loving arms of the Father.

Ask God in the name of Jesus, who cancels all debt.

Ask God in the name of Jesus, who gives unspeakable joy.

Ask God in the name of Jesus who speaks peace to your storms,

Ask God in the name of Jesus, who grants you access to all blessings.

Ask God in the name of Jesus, who gives you access to enteral life.

Ask God in the name of Jesus who causes you to love your enemies. 

Ask God in the name of Jesus, who forces you to love thy neighbor as thy self.

Ask God in the name of Jesus whose Love never lacking, never 


Never dying, never weaving, never failing,

The question asks today,

 do you know 

The Password? Come and enter into my kingdom, My good, and faithful servant.. the beauty of His holiness in the physical form of His Son, who is birth in us as the identity of Him in us. Metaphorically speaking in us through us speaking as His divine off inspiring each believer to have full access of the Father Seeking God in His fullness. To seek God in His fullness, there must be a sacrifice.

           Being God's children's, it is a privileged instinct to reflect their Father's character. Like Father like Son, we must reach the significant works that we are supposed to do. If God did it before with the apostles and disciples, He could do it again if we are willing to receive the invitation.

           Our Mantle holds a space in our lives as our supreme authority and is willing to serve others. We practice sincere humility will reveal Himself to you., you will smell sin and taste it and hate evil. 

           When we come to realize that God has given us a specific purpose for our lives, we can move forward with confidence, fully trusting the One who called us to Himself. Like John the Baptist, we do not have to fear to live with a radical focus on our God-given mission. Can there be any greater joy or fulfillment in this life than to know God's pleasure and reward await us in Heaven? Contaminate the garden of Eden. It with continue acts of sin. They belong to Him even in their sin, God's intention within it? God's Love is shown through God's mercy; this demonstration God's compassion that never fails us... God's signature should be all over us. God's Love makes us inseparable from Him, making us eager to know Him and love Him and be into Him. Only to desire more and more of Him.

           Before we take a review of prophetic mantles, we must identify what is derived from it that arrives from putting on Christ. We must Take off our old garments and put on Jesus Christ. Take off the old man and put on the new. In fact, to enter in, we must dress for our Father, As if we have gone out to dinner or getting ready to sit down to eat we must wash our hands before the dinner/. This means we must disregard our flesh, crucifying the flesh and putting on Christ. John The Baptist was the last Prophet in the Old Testament era. Jesus' death, resurrection, and ascension ushered in a new age; the Church was born. 

           From that period on, prophetic ministry is a function of the church body who recognized that the release of God's power came from being under authority. Your God essence you will desire is he Son and God the Holy ghost secure, but the Love for God the Father. The Word of God will fall in Love with there will be a hungry and thirst for God. a desire for His righteous Love which cannot be found in man. The purity of heart and rectitude of life; conformity of nature and energy to the divine law. Righteousness as used in Scripture and theology, in which it is chiefly used, is nearly equivalent to holiness, comprehending religious principles and affections of heart, and conformity of life to the divine law. It includes all we call justice, honesty, and virtue, with holy affections; in short, it is true religion.

Applied to God, the perfection or holiness of his nature; exact rectitude; faithfulness

           Here will also be a desire to see him, and The Christian life involves inner transformation. By the Holy Spirit's power, we are changed from our old sinful nature into the image of Christ. Jesus, who is the ultimate example, demonstrated the greatest act of humility by emptying himself of glory to become a human.

           True humility is a low self-regard and a sense of unworthiness. Humility can mean recognizing self concerning God and subsequent submission to said Creator as a member of that religion. Seeing ourselves as God sees us—with all the worth and worthiness that he ascribes to us, but with no more value than anyone else. When we submit to God and give him the first fruit putting God first when awake up in the morning and bow down on our knees praising Him giving God our all, we can expect that we will get His attention.

           As prophets, communication is our crucial witness to God's people. This tells of our relationship and Love for Him. A true prophet loves God unconditionally. If you are a true prophet or prophetess, nothing will hinder your relationship with Him. One of the keywords is disallowed. As a prophet, speak as God verifies and then vindicates by backing up your words with His Word. As prophets, we are infused with knowledge by our supernatural ethics in knowing God. Things that come out of your mouth are line up in the bible. GOD backs His Word up that is infuse even before you thought of it because your words are back up by God, and therefore you are who you are because what comes out of your mouth is God's backup plan. 

           Therefore if He said it in His Word, He would bring it t past. He is not a man that He should lie, neither is He the Son of man to repent if He said it He will bring it to past. Prophets must watch what you say and pray that your thought is not thought on anyone without causing them harmed. Prophets have a repented heart; we cannot do anything unpleasing to Gods.

Humility works as a compass for change. Ministry Serves us so that we may be able to grow in Love.

Dr. Theresa Maxwell