Close your eyes and
keep them closed as much as possible until the end of the process. You will be
taking nine deep relaxation breaths.
the first three breaths, breathe into any physical tension you are holding in
your body, then hooking that tension with the breath, release it with the
For the second three
breaths, breathe into any emotional tension you are holding, notice where you
are holding emotional stress in your body, then hooking that tension with the
breath, release it with the out-breath.
the third three breaths, breathe into any mental tension or worries you are
holding, notice where you are holding mental stress in your body, then hooking
that tension with the breath, release it with the out-breath.
quietly and notice how you feel. Open your eyes. I will lift my eyes unto the
hills, from whence cometh my
help. Psalm 121 My help
cometh from the Lord, which made Heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot
to be moved: he that keepnet thee will not slumber. Behold, he that keepnet
Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
exercise is remarkably like the last but a bit more advanced in that it skips the
writing down part. We ask God for a prophetic message, picture, or whatever and
then meditate on it for 5 or 10 minutes. We do not give it right away. We
explore it with Jesus by asking Him to show us more about every single aspect
of what He initially showed us. The purpose of that is to help you stay focused
on one prophetic Word for a longer time and to go deeper in it. You will be
surprised about how comprehensive your prophecy will be after 5 or 10 minutes.
What do You think of me?" – Everyone takes a sheet of paper and a pen. We
start with writing down a personal question (a perfect one is "God, what
do You think/feel when You look at me?"), and then we get quiet, listen,
and write down everything that comes to our minds. The purpose of this exercise
is to grow more comfortable hearing God for ourselves, which will tremendously
enrich our private time and relationship with Him. This exercise One of the
biggest challenges in hearing God's voice is to discern it from our thoughts. This
is what God's voice sounds most like because the Holy Spirit dwells within us,
and so He speaks from the same direction that our thoughts come from.
will hardly write down anything because they frequently think it is their
thoughts. They block themselves. A much better approach is to write down
EVERYTHING that comes to our mind after asking Jesus the question. Do not try
to discern right away; just write it all down. Do not look at the paper for a
day or two and then reread it. It will be much more apparent to you now what
was God and what He was not.
them by grabbing the wheel and focusing on the Word of God. The longer you
meditate on negativity, the more opportunity for damage there is, so grab the
wheel and "set your mind and keep focused habitually on the things above
[the heavenly things], not on things that of the earth [which have only
temporal value]"
prophetic activation is an exercise where you practice and try to develop the skill of hearing God's voice for someone else.
that prophetic activations are essential in growing in the
prophetic. Often,
we are tempted to prophesy out of what we know and see. Especially among
friends, prophesying can be a tough thing because we already know them so well.
This exercise is meant to avoid this pitfall and help us get comfortable using
the prophetic without knowing the person.
1 – The leader will secretly assign one person in the group to target prophetic
ministry. However, the leader will not tell anyone who he or she picked. Then
the group begins to prophesy over person XYZ, not knowing who they are
ministering to. Only at the end, the leader will reveal who was chosen.
However, often the assigned person will have already realized by that point
that they were prophesying over him or her.
2 – This is just another method for the last exercise: In an even-numbered
group, let everyone draw a lot with a number that they will keep a secret. This
will be their number. Then collect the lots and let everyone draw another
number. This will be the number they will prophesy over. (Repeat if someone
drew their number. Now everyone has time to ask God for a prophecy for the
second number they drew. When sharing, let one after another say first the
number and then give the prediction (without the addressed number revealing
that it is them. When everyone finished, let people show which number they were
and how accurate the prophetic Word was they received. Wherefore encourages the
prophets to establishes the favorable Way, Seeking the face of God learning to
hear His voice. Despite many false prophets who do not walk in the Way but get
in the Way who become delusional, taking off their Mantle after bathing in the
anointing with delusional water taking the Mantle of God off, and putting it
back on a fifty body as it was never washed. Even in the darkest night, God's
Love shines during it.
The bible gives the truth, and the Prophets walk. The false Prophet walks in lies
anything contrary to the will and the Word of the truth. Therefore the Prophet
works by the voice of God's Word. Deception cannot stand before the truth light
deems in a sinful person while the light is turned off—light a switch when darkness
is taken in it.
Prophetic mental is under observation comforting to practice the art of wearing
and putting on Christ and drink of the cup of Jesus Christ, who He has sent the
prophets whom He talks to. When Gods prophets ignore
His warning,
He sends out a
warrant for their arrest.
Because what He
reveals To His Prophets
Forgotten How to Hope and their attitude is singe with conviction hopes, and so
they ate in lacks confidence, and the lack of confidence lacks Faith. Between
God and His Prophets. Anointing to flow and to heal to occur.
have you expressed your Faith? Have you described it in faith statements like
those above? Have you said it in faith actions? Look again at Abraham's
example; he acted without knowing the whole plan. "It was by faith that
Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that
God would give him his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was
going. And even when he reached the land God promised him, he lived thereby
Faith…" (Hebrews 11:8-9).
The most fun, though, has come from doing prophetic activations in a group. It is a
great way to build community and, since I value community, I thrive on this.
God, if my partner were a tree, what tree would they be and why? God, if my
partner were a vehicle, what vehicle would they be and why? God, if my partner
were some confection, what would they be and why?
What do you see my partner clothed in and why? God, if my partner were
something in a supermarket, what would they be and why? God, if a book were
written about my partner, what would the title of the book be? God, if my
partner starred in a movie, what would the film be about?
God, If my
partner was an animal, what animal would they be and why? God, if my partner
was a person in a hospital, who would they are, their role, and why?
God, if my partner were something at a playground, what would they be and why
or where would they be in the garden and why?
is a seed-minded of water. Some seeds grow faster than others, depending on
their measure of Faith that is often accumulated in time. Likewise, the seed
grows into a tree that is planted by the waters of waters. If anything that is
not produced, it will surely die, Psalm 1:3 King James And he shall be like a
tree planted by the rivers of water. That bringeth forth his fruit in his
season. Knowing God, loving God, and serving Faith
is a spiritual battle to win God and maintain God's Love. The elect of God
chosen before the foundation of the world. However, give to the world to win
the world and bring God's truth to the world. That He that believed shall not
be an. To save sinners from the sting of death. God so loved the world that He gave
His only begotten Son that who so-ever shall call on the name of Jesus shall be
saved, So He sent His true prophets to tell the world that just the mention of
the name of Jesus the world and they that live in it if they believed upon the
name of Jesus shall be saved from the evil that lurks in the inhabitabitation
of its lions.
Elohim the one true
God created a mentality that gives us Love with no conditions.
Yet the vitality of
our human limits our vision and plan Way of thinking
distorts our Mantle
because we depend upon humanity
instead of dependency
on God totally. The
elect of God chosen before the foundation of the world. However, give to the
world to win the world and bring God's truth to the world. That He that
believed shall not be an. To save sinners from the sting of death. God so loved
the world that He gave His only begotten Son that who so-ever shall call on the
name of Jesus shall be saved, So He sent His true prophets to tell the world
that just the mention of the name of Jesus the world and they that live in it
if they believed upon the name of Jesus shall be saved from the evil that lurks
in the of its
Elohim the one true
God created a mentality that gives us Love with no conditions.
Yet, the vitality of
our humans limits our vision and plan. Way of thinking distorts our Mantle
because we depend upon humanity instead of dependency on God totally. We have
been taking the baby steps. New Testament prophets are different from the Old
Testament norm. Now it is not just reserved for a few but is for all.
This was made clear
when Peter preached at Pentecost and quoted the Old Testament prophet, Joel:
"And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour
out of My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall
prophesy" (Acts 2:17). Not only will it manifest through us all, but the
nature of the prophetic is now primarily encouraging.
the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging
and comfort" (1 Corinthians 14:3). "For you can all prophesy in turn
so that everyone may be instructed and encouraged" (1 Corinthians 14:31).
The gift of prophecy is something we are all to do. It is encouraging in
nature. Yes.
remember that prophets are those who carried an impressive mantle. This Mantle
has different functions. It is this Mantle derived from God; it is the most
sacred place. It was an A god-dwelling place that covers upon man, to wear each
day. By this Mantle, the world shall know we are sent to be God revealing
messenger called the prophets and Apostles rising to take back the truth in
God's Word to walk in the newness of His abiding presence and Mantle.
Our Mantle holds a
space in our lives as our supreme authority and is willing to serve others. We
practice sincere humility will reveal Himself to you., you will smell sin,
taste it, and hate evil.
When we come to
realize that God has given us a specific purpose for our lives, we can move
forward with confidence, fully trusting the One who called us to Himself. Like
John the Baptist, we do not have to fear to live with a radical focus on our
God-given mission. Can there be any greater joy or fulfillment in this life
than to know God's pleasure and reward await us in Heaven? Contaminate the
garden of Eden. It with continue acts of sin. They belong to Him even in their
sin, God's intention within it. God's Love is shown through God's mercy; this
demonstration God's compassion that never fails us... God's signature should be
all over us. God's Love makes us inseparable from Him, making us eager to know
Him and love Him and be into Him. Only to desire more of Him.
. From that period on,
prophetic ministry is a function of the church body who recognized that the
release of God's power came from being under authority. Your God essence you
will desire is he Son and God the Holy ghost secure, but the Love for God the
Father. The Word of God will fall in Love with there will be a hungry and
thirst for God. a desire for His righteous Love which cannot be found in man.
The purity of heart and rectitude of life; conformity of nature and energy to
the divine law. As used in Scripture and theology, righteousness is chiefly
used, is equivalent to holiness, comprehending religious principles and
affections of heart, and conformity of life to the divine law. It includes all
we call justice, honesty, and virtue, with holy affections; in short, it is
true religion.
Applied to God, the
perfection or holiness of his nature; exact rectitude; faithfulness.
Here will also be a
desire to see him, and The Christian life involves inner transformation. By the
Holy Spirit's power, we are changed from our old sinful nature into the image
of Christ. Jesus, who is the ultimate example, demonstrated the greatest act of
humility by emptying himself of glory to become a human.
True humility is a low
self-regard and a sense of unworthiness. Humility can mean recognizing
self-concerning God and subsequent submission to said Creator as a member of
that religion. Seeing ourselves as God sees us—with all the worth and
worthiness that he ascribes to us, but with no more value than anyone else.
When we submit to God and give him the first fruit putting God first when awake
up in the morning and bow down on our knees praising Him giving God our all, we
can expect that we will get His attention.