The expressing the situation of something that is or appears to be enclosed or surrounded by something
Deep River expressing a period of time during which an event takes place or a situation remains the case.
A desire of some good, accompanied with at least a slight expectation of obtaining it, or a belief that it is obtainable.
Hope differs from wish and desire in this, that it implies some expectation of obtaining the good desired, or the possibility of possessing it.
Hope therefore always gives pleasure or joy; whereas wish and desire may produce or be accompanied with pain and anxiety.
He that lives upon hope, will die fasting.
Confidence in God beats all the odds for the future. highes, Experience of hope God's gracious promises
A well founded scriptural hope in our religion, the source of ineffable happiness
.That which gives hope which furnishes ground of expectation, or promises desired good. The hope of Israel is the Messiah.The Lord will be the hope of his people.
An opinion or belief not amounting to certainty, but
grounded on substantial evidence. The christian indulges a hope, that his sins are pardoned.
HOPE, To cherish a desire of food, with some expectation of obtaining it, or a belief that it is obtainable.Hope for good success.
Be sober and hope to the end.
1 Pet.1.Hope humbly then, with trembling pinions soar.To place confidence in; to trust in with confident expectation of good.
HOPE, v.t. To desire with expectation of good, or a belief that it may be obtained. It is seldom used phrases in which it is so used are elliptical for being understood.
So stands the Thracian herdsman with his spear,Full in the gap and hopes the hunted bear,
HOPE A sloping plain between ridges of expressing the relationship between a part and a whole. The sleeve of his coat"expressing the relationship between a scale or measure and a value.
The origin of the last component part of the word is not obvious. It occurs in diuturnus, and seems to denote continuance.
Without beginning or end of existence.The eternal God is thy refuge. Deut.33.Without beginning of existence.To know whether there is any real being, whose duration has been eternal.
Without end of existence or duration; everlasting; endless; immortal.
That they may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory
life, In a general sense, that state of animals and plants, or of an organized being, in which its natural functions and motions are performed, or in which its organs are capable of performing their functions.
A tree is not destitute of life in winter, when the functions of its organs are suspended; nor man during a swoon or syncope; nor strictly birds, quadrupeds or serpents during their torpitude in winter.
They are not strictly dead, till the functions of their organs are incapable of being renewed.In animals, animation; vitality; and in man, that state of being in which the soul and body are united.He entreated me not to take his life.In plants, the state in which they grow or are capable of growth, by means of the circulation of the sap. The life of an oak may be two, three, or four hundred years.The present state of existence; the time from birth to death. The life of man seldom exceeds seventy years.If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. 1Cor. 15.Manner of living; conduct; deportment, in regard to morals.will teach my family to lead good lives.Condition; course of living, in regard to happiness and misery. We say, a man's life has been a series of prosperity, or misfortune.Blood, the supposed vehicle of animation.And the warm life came issuing through the wound.Animals in general; animal being.Full nature swarms with life.System of animal nature.Lives through all life. Spirit; animation; briskness; vivacity; resolution.They have no notion of life and fire in fancy and words.The living form; real person or state; in opposition to a copy; as, a picture is taken from the life; a description from the life.Exact resemblance; with to, before life.His portrait is draw to the life.General state of man, or of social manners; as the studies and arts that polish life.Condition; rank in society; as high life and low life.Common occurrences; course of things; human affairs.But to know that which before us lies in daily life, is the prime wisdom.A person; a living being; usually or always, a human being. How many lives were sacrificed during the revolution?Narrative of a past life; history of the events of life; biographical narration. Johnson wrote the life of Milton, and the lives of other poets. In Scripture, nourishment; support of life.For the tree of the field is man's life. Deut. 20.The stomach or appetite.His life abhorreth bread. Job. 33.The enjoyments or blessings of the present life.Having the promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come. 1Tim. 4.Supreme felicity.To be spiritually minded is life and peace. Romans 8. Eternal happiness in heaven. Romans 5.Restoration to life. Romans The author and giver of supreme felicity.I am the way, the truth, and the life. John 14.A quickening, animating and strengthening principle, in a moral sense. John The state of being in force, or the term for which an instrument has legal operation; as the life of an execution.
asking for information specifying one or more people or things from a definite set."which are the best varieties of grapes for long keeping?"
pronoun & determiner used referring to something previously mentioned when introducing a clause giving further information.a conference in Vienna, which ended on Friday"
God, The Supreme Being; Jehovah; the eternal and infinite spirit, the creator,and the sovereign of the universe.God is a spirit; and they that worship him, must worship him in spirit and in truth. John 4.A false god; a heathen deity; an idol.Fear not the gods of the Amorites. Judges 6.A prince; a ruler; a magistrate or judge; an angel. Thou shalt not revile the gods, nor curse the ruler of thy people.
Ex. 22. Ps.97.Gods here is a bad translation.Any person or thing exalted too much in estimation, or deified and honored as the chief good.Whose god is their belly. Phil.3.
who what or which person or people.who is that woman?"used to introduce a clause giving further information about a person or people previously mentioned.Joan Fontaine plays the mouse who married the playboy"
at no time in the past or future; on no occasion; not ever.they had never been camping in their lives"
LIE, water impregnated with alkaline salt, is written lye, to distinguish it from lie, a falsehood.
LIE, n.A criminal falsehood; a falsehood uttered for the purpose of deception; an intentional violation of truth. Fiction, or a false statement or representation, not intended to deceive, mislead or injure, as in fables, parables and the like, is not a lie.It is willful deceit that makes a lie. A man may act a lie, as by pointing his finger in a wrong direction, when a traveler inquires of him his road.A fiction; in a ludicrous sense. False doctrine. 1John 2.An idolatrous picture of God, or a false god. Romans 1.That which deceives and disappoints confidence.Micah 1.To give the lie, to charge with falsehood. A man's actions may give the lie to his words.LIE, v.i.To utter falsehood with an intention to deceive, or with an immoral design.Thou hast not lied to men, but to God. Acts 5.To exhibit a false representation; to say or do that which deceives another, when he has a right to know the truth, or when morality requires a just representation.LIE, v.i. pret. lay; pp. lain, lien, obs. The Gr. word usually signifies to speak, which is to utter or throw out sounds. Hence to lie down is to throw one's self down, and probably lie and lay are of one family, as are jacio and jacceo, in Latin.To be in a horizontal position, or nearly so, and to rest on any thing lengthwise, and not on the end. Thus a person lies on a bed, and a fallen tree on the ground. A cask stands on its end, but lies on its side.To rest in an inclining posture; to lean; as, to lie on or against a column.To rest; to press on.To be reposited in the grave.All the kings of the earth, even all of them, lie in glory.5. To rest on a bed or couch; to be prostrate; as, to lie sick.My little daughter lieth at the point of death. Mark 5.To be situated. New Haven lies in the forty second degree of north latitude. Ireland lies west of England.Envy lies between beings equal in nature, though unequal in circumstances.To be; to rest; to abide; to remain; often followed by some word denoting a particular condition; as, to lie waste; to lie fallow; to lie open; to lie hid; to lie pining or grieving; to lie under one's displeasure; to lie at the mercy of a creditor, or at the mercy of the waves.To consist.He that thinks that diversion may not lie in hard labor, forgets the early rising of the huntsman.To be sustainable in law; to be capable of being maintained. An action lies against the tenant for waste.An appeal lies in this case.To lie at, to tease or importune. Little used.To lie at the heart, to be fixed as an object of affection or anxious desire.To lie by, to be reposited, or remaining with. He has the manuscript lying by him.To rest; to intermit labor. We lay by during the heat of the day.To lie in the way, to be an obstacle or impediment. Remove the objections that lie in the way of an amicable adjustment.To lie hard or heavy, to press; to oppress; to burden.To lie on hand, to be or remain in possession; to remain unsold or undisposed of.Great quantities of wine lie on hand, or have lain long on hand.To lie on the hands, to remain unoccupied or unemployed; to be tedious. Men are sometimes at a loss to know how to employ the time that lies on their hands.To lie on the head, to be imputed.What he gets more of her than sharp words, let it lie on my head.To lie in wait, to wait for in concealment; to lie in ambush; to watch for an opportunity to attack or seize.To lie in one, to be in the power of; to belong to.As much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.Romans 41.To lie down, to lay the body on the ground or other level place; also, to go to rest.To lie in, to be in childbed; to bring forth young.To lie under, to be subject to; to suffer; to be oppressed by.To lie on or upon, to be a matter of obligation or duty. It lies on the plaintiff to maintain his action.1. To lie with, to lodge or sleep with; also, to have carnal knowledge of.2. To belong to. It lies with you to make amends.To lie over, to remain unpaid, after the time when payment is due; as a note in bank. To lie to, to be stationary, as a ship.
promised itto, to send.In a general sense, a declaration, written or verbal, made by one person to another, which binds the person who makes it, either in honor, conscience or law, to do or forbear a certain act specified; a declaration which gives to the person to whom it is made, a right to expect or to claim the performance or forbearance of the act. The promise of a visit to my neighbor, gives him a right to expect it, and I am bound in honor and civility to perform the promise. Of such a promise human laws have no cognizance; but the fulfillment of it is one of the minor moralities, which civility, kindness and strict integrity require to be observed.In law, a declaration, verbal or written, made by one person to another for a good or valuable consideration, in the nature of a covenant, by which the promiser binds himself, and as the case may be, his legal representatives, to do or forbear some act; and gives to the promisee a legal right to demand and enforce a fulfillment. A binding declaration of something to be done or given for another's benefit; as the promise of a grant of land. A promise may be absolute or conditional; lawful or unlawful; express or implied. An absolute promise must be fulfilled at all events. The obligation to fulfill a conditional promise depends on the performance of the condition. An unlawful promise is not binding, because it is void; for it is incompatible with a prior paramount obligation of obedience to the laws. An express promise, is one expressed in words or writing. An implied promise, is one which reason and justice dictate. If I hire a man to perform a day's labor, without any declaration that I will pay him, the law presumes a promise on my part that I will give him a reasonable reward, and will enforce much implied promise.Hopes; expectation, or that which affords expectation of future distinction; as a youth of great promise.My native country was full of youthful promise.That which is promised; fulfillment or grant of what is promised.He commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father. Acts.1.In Scripture,the promise of God is the declaration or assurance which God has given in his word of bestowing blessings on his people. Such assurance resting on the perfect justice,power, benevolence and immutable veracity of God, cannot fail of performance.The Lord is not slack concerning his promises. 2 Pet.3.
PROM'ISE, v.t. To make a declaration to another, which binds the promiser in honor, conscience or law, to do or forbear some act; as, to promise a visit to a friend; to promise a cessation of hostilities; to promise the payment of money.To afford reason to expect; as, the year promises a good harvest.To make declaration or give assurance of some benefit to be conferred; to pledge or engage to bestow.The proprietors promised large tracts of land.
PROM'ISE, v.i. To assure one by a promise or binding declaration. The man promises fair; let us forgive him.To afford hopes or expectations; to give ground to expect good. The youth promises to be an eminent man; the wheat promises to be a good crop; the weather promises to be pleasant.In popular use, this verb sometimes threatens or assures of evil. The rogue shall be punished, I promise you.Will not the ladies be afraid of the lion?-I fear it, I promise you.In the latter example, promise is equivalent to declare; "I declare to you." To promise one's self, to be assured or to have strong confidence.I dare promise myself you will attest the truth of all I have advanced.promised PROM'ISED, pp. Engaged by word or writing; stipulated.
before during the period of time preceding (a particular event, date, or time).she had to rest before dinner"In front; on the side with the face, at any distance; used of persons.In presence of, with the idea of power, authority, respect.Abraham bowed before the people of the land. Gen.23.Wherewithal shall I come before the Lord. Micah 6.In sight of; as before the face. In the presence of, noting cognizance of jurisdiction.In the power of, noting the right or ability to choose or possess; free to the choice.The world was all before them.My land is before thee. Gen.20. In front of any object; as before the house; before the fire.Preceding in time.Before I was afflicted, I went astray. Ps.119.Before Abraham was, I am. John 8.Here the preposition has a sentence following for an object. In preference to.And he set Ephraim before Manasseh. Gen.48.Poverty is desirable before torments.Superior; preceding in dignity.He that cometh after me is preferred before me, for he was before me. John l.Prior to; having prior right; preceding in order; as, the eldest son is before the younger in succession.Previous to; in previous order; in order to.Before this treatise can become of use, two points are necessary. Before the wind, is to move in the direction of the wind by its impulse.BEFO'RE, adv. In time preceding.You tell me what I knew before.In time preceding, to the present, or to this time; hitherto; as, tumults then arose which before were unknown.Further onward in place, in progress, or in front.Reaching forth to those things which are before. Phil.3.In front; on the fore part.The battle was before and behind. 2 Chron.13.
In some of the examples of the use of before, which Johnson places under the adverb, the word is a preposition governing a sentence; as, "Before the hills appeared." This is the real construction,however overlooked or misunderstood.
ages the length of time that a person has lived or a thing has existed.he died from a heart attack at the age of 51.Definition of age. (Entry 1 of 3) 1a : the time of life at which some particular qualification, power, or capacity arises or rests the voting age is 18 specifically : majority one of the stages of life. qualification, power, or capacity arises or rests the voting age is 18 specifically : MAJORITYMone of the stages of life the length of an existence extending from the beginning to any given time a boy 10 years of age LIFETIM an advanced stage of life a period of time dominated by a central figure or prominent feature the age of Periclessuch a a period in history or human progress the age of reptiles the age of exploration a cultural period marked by the prominence of a particular item entering the atomic age a division of geologic time that is usually shorter than an epoch the period contemporary with a person's lifetime or with his or her active life a long time —usually used in plural haven't seen him in age GENERATION an individual's development measured in terms of the years requisite for like development of an average individual aged; aging or aging Definition of age to become old : show the effects or the characteristics of increasing age to acquire a desirable quality (such as mellowness or ripeness) by standing undisturbed for some time letting cheese age because for the reason that; since. we did it because we felt it our duty"