Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Armed And Extremely Dangerous

Putting Fuel On The Fire

Monday, July 27, 2015

Is Your Faith Growing

 God is so merciful, turns around and gives us beauty for ashes. He chastens those He loves. God has proven Himself repeatedly? Moreover, this knowledge of the Israelite's coming out of Egypt teachings the consequence of disobedience. Israelite's was a stiff neck people continually complaining. Therefore rebellion and unbelieving hearts face a consequence.     Certainly, disobedient is the sin, raging and warring in our mind weakening these mortal bodies. However, we have a purpose, assurance through the sanctification process that develops us. For this reason, we are purged by the washing of the Word. Furthermore, we must grow in Faith. So when battles come your able to stand on the Word of God. We must believe God that it is finished. He heals our sickness and diseases by faith. Therefore, our conditions is a small thing. Since, history have a tendency in repeating itself your find that we are doing the same things the Israelite's did in the past.         
      Certainly, disobedient is the sin, raging and warring in our mind against weakening these mortal bodies. However, we have a purpose, assurance through the sanctification process that develops us. For this reason, we are purged by the washing of the Word. Furthermore, we must grow in Faith. So when battles come your able to stand on the Word of God. We must believe God that it is finished. He heals our sickness and diseases by faith. Therefore, our conditions is a small thing. Since, history have a tendency in repeating itself your find that we are doing the same things the Israelites did in the past.     For this reason, the Jews were seeking all the more to kill Him. Was not the church trying to kill my servant? Moreover, those that my servant prayers become idle to my ears to kill my servant. It has become a hot discord amongst the angels that I am sending to protect her with the sword of the Spirit.  The Jew wanted to kill Jesus because they thought Jesus was breaking the Sabbath but also was calling God His own Father, making Himself equal with God. Are you not angry with my servant as she speaks the truth drying up her tears? Before men who slay her. Those that men have made first I the Lord have made her last to be first. Pride comes before a fall. Therefore, Jesus answered saying to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself. However, unless it is something He sees the Father doing, whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner. As a result what the Father loves the Son and shows Him all things that He is doing, and the Father will show Him greater works than these so that you will marvel. Did not Jesus the Son of the Living God Say as He Ascending into the Heavens That My Elect Shall Do Greater Work. As the elect of God, we are chosen to tell those unbelievers about Jesus Christ. Did I not send my son into a dying world to save sinners from the wrath of God? Did I not send those to tell sinners and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost? Am I not a respecter of person? Do I not want any to a parish?
      There is no selfless love in me. You who claim that the elect is only the saved. Did not Satan plant this in your mind that others will not come to Christ?  Is this not a selfless love? I rather sit with God and allow the Spirit to dwell in me and direct me in dark secrets of God. You call me a liar, God is not a man that He should lie neither is He the Son of man to repent If He said it He shall bring it to the past. Did my servant hurt anyone by telling the truth that all man may be set free? Why does my Word have to be known to everyone before I come if that was so? Would I only come for those Elect and not for those who are not the select?  Then who will tell of my Word if not the elect of God? That sinners are saved when the Elect must come from a bondage of sin and know me from learning my Word. Is it the sinner that are my elect? God forbid, it is the elect that I the Lord your God, have chosen my select to go into the world to save sinners. If not for the Elect sake I would have come for my children. I come in the volume of a book. Are you not saying that I care for no, another man only for those I have chosen before the foundation of the world to save those who already accepted?   Then tell me, young man, why did my Son come to save all even, I so love the world.  Is it not for the elect sake that knowledge and faith can save sinners through Jesus Christ. Did I not send Noah, did I not send Abraham, and did I not send Isaac and Jacob the forefathers of our nations. Are you not like Israel, that did not believe I have come and some still in waiting. Are you not becoming as they, knowing that I can save all and sent the elect to tell of my goodness. Old foolish Galatians, why do you err in your thinking? Faith brings us to the saving knowledge of God. It is obvious, God is longsuffering  upon the children of disobedience.  Consider this my love is stretch so far that man cannot fathom how far it will strength even passing down to those you think are unworthy. Did not I put Jonah in a whale, he did not feel that I the Lord God should save such a nation. So then, are you, not the children that are living in disobedience? Will you not listen to my servant and not believe. Did not you, also come out the same womb of disobedience? Was not Adam, who open the door to sin, hence is where sin came into the world? You are those chosen, my select- to tell the world of my goodness. If you put the (s) on the elect, you see that I have, select you. You were chosen, a royal priesthood before the foundation of the world. He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified.  What then shall we say, to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?
      He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things? Just as I have selected those that call on the name of Jesus. Those who confess that Jesus is Lord. Those who believe in their heart and confess with their mouth. I am He, the Lord your God.  Are you not saying give the dogs the children's bread instead of those you feel that is unworthy of my love? Do you not know I reign on the just as well as the unjust?  If I have done it for you, why should I not do the same for those not chosen before the foundation of the world? My elect are chosen to spread the gospel of love peace and to honor me for I am the Lord your God. Who are you to judge the people I have created. Do not take this out on my servant she is obedient to me. And many have come to her for this, many come to me. I am the Lord your God. Not make a mystique from disobedient people. His desire is that none shall perish.   (2 Pet 3:9) And this is shown by Noah trying to warn others for at least 120 years while him and his family built the Ark It is evident that God was not in a rust. Consequently, God wanted more to come to repentance. Once the door shut, it will not open unto sinners again. Then it will be too late. There will be no way in and no way out.  It was hell on earth.  (Hebrews 11:7).  Furthermore, some people say it’s never too late. But I say to you there is a day coming when it will be too late, how long must God tell you over again. How long must He chided with unbelievers sending witness and angelic host to your aid till you believe that I am God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, I am the God of Israel? How long will your ignorance bewilder your mind to distract you from not apply my Word in your hearts?  Until my wrath come upon your people. 
      He who has a hear let them hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches. The door will shut one day, to all humanity and not one that have not walk in the faith of obedience will be able to enter into the be a love of God. It will then be too late. Just as it was then too late for any to come after the warming. However, there were 100 years between the times Noah children who began the construction of the Ark. On the contrary, the flood came upon them like a thief in the night.  (Gen 7:6).  There is biblical evidence that Noah was righteous before God and in planning and gathering materials necessary to build such a large ship. Apparently it took many years for Noah to build this ark.   God is still giving unbelievers time to repent and trust Jesus Christ. Whoever confess that Jesus is Lord may be saved. It's as simple as that. Likewise, there is no shortage on believers many are warning those unsaved loved ones and those they encounter. After that to be many church and leaders reminding people of God’s impending judgment.
Likewise, the Ark is Gods way of demonstrating salvation. Identically to and through Jesus Christ.  Noah made the Ark of wood, the cross also made of wood. It is the work of God saving grace that no man can come to Him except they come by His Son. For there are no other mediators between God and man and that is Jesus Christ. We must enter the door by faith in Jesus Christ Son of the living God.  (Gen 7:16).  The Ark was made waterproof, but an individual tar-like substance called pitch.   The Ark saved Noah’s family from the wrath to come. The great judgment came because of the abomination that enter the world.  God’s judgment sucks the very foundation and the earth crush swollen the world with the waters and flush and cleanse the world that had such a stitch of garbage that God would not allow it to continue. Romans 8:29-28 Of course, Jesus was the atoning sacrifice for us.  The flood symbolic of death and God's judgment. Ark represents salvation; the word is the pictorial picture of the cross. Of us being saved from the flood of God’s wrath that poured out on man.  Likewise, the Ark is Gods way of demonstrating salvation. Identically to and through Jesus Christ.  Noah made the Ark of wood, the cross also made of wood. It is the work of God saving grace that no man can come to Him except they come by His Son. For there are no other mediators between God and man and that is Jesus Christ. We must enter the door by faith in Jesus Christ Son of the living God.  (Gen 7:16).  The Ark was made waterproof, but an individual tar-like substance called pitch.   The Ark saved Noah’s family
The great judgment came because of the abomination that enter the world.  God’s judgment sucks the very foundation and the earth crush swollen the world with the waters and flush and cleanse the world that had such a stitch of garbage that God would not allow it to continue. Romans 8:29-28 Of course, Jesus was the atoning sacrifice for us.  The flood symbolic of death and God's judgment. Ark represents salvation; the word is the pictorial picture of the cross. Of us being saved from the flood of God’s wrath that poured out on man. The wood used for the Ark was also the very particular wood.  Granted it was this  Same wood used for the Ark of the Covenant, which held the Ten Commandments. Aaron’s rod and a piece of the manna bread given during Israel’s wilderness experience.  As a result,  God’s presence among those He redeems have to come to the mercy and attain mercy by asking God forgiveness. And God gives them a measure of faith to began their walk of faith in the faith walk of ours. The presence and holiness of The Lord are in His chosen vessels. They are instruments of judgment toward any sinful approach toward The Lord of Host. It's there where His presence is as a surround sound.  It is through this wrath of God that we appease and at peace.
Ark of God represents God’s mercy in saving Noah’s family. The gopher wood was known for its remarkable durability that is symbolic of God’s eternity.   Jesus’ life was ransom for us which at Calvary for the remission of sin. That we may have fellowship with God because of sin we forfeit all rights when at the time of Adam God made everything was good.  If the world left to itself, there would be no end to the abominations of mankind. Besides this,  God kept Adam and Eve from re-entering the Garden of Eden.  However if, in fact,  when taken from the Tree of Life and receive eternal life in a sinful state. It would of unbalancing the world, and the last state would be worse the first.   The depravity of humanity would grow and grow until there would not be one shred of decency and morals obeying God. When sin enters the door of the world so did all kinds of abominations. Therefore, one had to be born again. However, we were born with a measure of faith. There is no doubt; believers grow in the faith. There was no shred of evidence of morals in the character of God in man when the fall occurred. No shed of any man who is decent in the eyes of God. No shed of anything good wickedness in the heart of man. In this situation, God had to see His Son to the earth to shed His blood to clean the land and mankind of sin that contaminated the world.  The only decent thing on earth was Noah.
Although the reason  God sent the flood in Noah’s day.  God saw the wickedness of man it was great in the earth. Admittedly, was great in the hearts of man. There were evil intentions in man's heart.  Every intention and thoughts of his heart were evil deceitful and lustful in countenance. The rest of the world suffer for one man error. Te Lord repented that he had made a man on the earth. More so, it grieved Gods, heart.  Therefore, the Lord said, “I will blot out man, whom I have created from the face of the earth.  Man,  animals and every creeping thing. 
Gen 6:5-7  Whereas the birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made them and that the earth was corrupt in God’s sight. As a result, the earth was filled with violence.  God saw that the earth and behold, it was corrupt.As a consequence. Whereas,  all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth” (Gen 6:11-12).  God in His mercy decided to end this massive corruption of mankind. Above all else, if it were up to mankind they would wallow in misery, discourage one another and hate would rule the world.  For this reason, He sent the flood because of the stitch from the abomination in the world.  As a way of atoning the earth through the washing of His Word. Noah and his family.   As usual this was also the abomination to God,   the same reason that God scattered mankind at the Tower of Babel.  Interfering, their languages because when God came down to see the city and the tower they spoke one language. Additionally, the children became children of disobedience to God. Lord said, “Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language and this is only the beginning of what they will do.  And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. Genesis 11:5-6 Once more, God is going to pour out His wrath on the earth and unbelievers will face a consequence.  (Heb 12:26, 29  If you have not yet repented of sin. Assuredly all must place themselves on the mercy seat of faith through the knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Jesus said, “it will be more tolerable for you on that day of judgment than it was for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah. Those who reject the gift of Salvation reject me, and if those reject me, they reject God.  As well as with your lips confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of the world. With those same lips, you denied me and cursed your sister and brother. With those same lips, you make the false accusation on your sisters and brothers. With those same lips do you not pick up the stone and throw it at your sister and brother as if you never sinned. God shall also reject them if they reject Him. Romans 14:11 Every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of the world. Therefore what it all boil down to is faith. The wood used for the Ark was also the very particular wood.  Granted it was this  Same wood used for the Ark of the Covenant, which held the Ten Commandments. Aaron’s rod and a piece of the manna bread given during Israel’s wilderness experience.  As a result,  God’s presence among those He redeems have to come to the mercy and attain mercy by asking God forgiveness. And God gives them a measure of faith to began their walk of faith in the faith walk of ours. The presence and holiness of The Lord are in His chosen vessels. They are instruments of judgment toward any sinful approach toward The Lord of Host. It's there where His presence is as a surround sound.  It is through this wrath of God that we appease and at peace. Ark of God represents God’s mercy in saving Noah’s family. The gopher wood was known for its remarkable durability that is symbolic of God’s eternality.   Jesus’ life was ransom for us which at Calvary for the remission of sin. That we may have fellowship with God because of sin we forfeit all rights when at the time of Adam God made everything was good.  If the world left to itself, there would be no end to the abominations of mankind. Besides this,  God kept Adam and Eve from re-entering the Garden of Eden.  However if, in fact,  when taken from the Tree of Life and receive eternal life in a sinful state. It would of unbalancing the world, and the last state would be worse the first.   The depravity of humanity would grow and grow until there would not be one shred of decency and morals obeying God. When sin enters the door of the world so did all kinds of abominations. Therefore, one had to be born again. However, we were born with a measure of faith. There is no doubt; believers grow in the faith. There was no shred of evidence of morals in the character of God in man when the fall occurred. No shed of any man who is decent in the eyes of God. No shed of anything good wickedness in the heart of man. In this situation, God had to see His Son to the earth to shed His blood to clean the land and mankind of sin that contaminated the world.
 The only decent thing on earth was Noah. Although the reason  God sent the flood in Noah’s day.  God saw the wickedness of man it was great in the earth. Admittedly, was great in the hearts of man. There were evil intentions in man's heart.  Every intention and thoughts of his heart were evil deceitful and lustful in countenance. The rest of the world suffer for one man error. Te Lord repented that he had made a man on the earth. More so, it grieved Gods, heart.  Therefore, the Lord said, “I will blot out man, whom I have created from the face of the earth.  Man,  animals and every creeping thing.  Gen 6:5-7  Whereas the birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made them and that the earth was corrupt in God’s sight. As a result, the earth was filled with violence.  God saw that the earth and behold, it was corrupt.As a consequence. Whereas,  all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth” (Gen 6:11-12).  God in His mercy decided to end this massive corruption of mankind. Above all else, if it were up to mankind they would wallow in misery, discourage one another and hate would rule the world.  For this reason, He sent the flood because of the stitch from the abomination in the world.  As a way of atoning the earth through the washing of His Word. Noah and his family.   As usual this was also the abomination to God,   the same reason that God scattered mankind at the Tower of Babel.  Interfering, their languages because when God came down to see the city and the tower they spoke one language. Additionally, the children became children of disobedience to God. Lord said, “Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language and this is only the beginning of what they will do.  However, nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. Genesis 11:5-6 Once more, God is going to pour out His wrath on the earth and unbelievers will face a consequence.  (Heb 12:26, 29  If you have not yet repented of sin. Assuredly all must place themselves on the mercy seat of faith through the knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Jesus said, “it will be more tolerable for you on that day of judgment than it was for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah. Those who reject the gift of Salvation reject me, and if those reject me, they reject God.  As well as with your lips confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of the world. With those same lips, you denied me and cursed your sister and brother. With those same lips, you make the false accusation on your sisters and brothers. With those same lips do you not pick up the stone and throw it at your sister and brother as if you never sinned. God shall also reject them if they reject Him. Romans 14:11 Every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of the world. Therefore what it all boil down to Is Your Faith Growing.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

What God ordain He will maintain

What God ordain He will maintain.               
      Faith is a seed in need of water. Some seeds grow faster yet some need more water than others, Depending on their measure that accumulated in time. Likewise, the seed grows into a tree, In fact if it's not water, it will surely die. Psalm 1:3 King James (KJV) and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water. That bringeth forth his fruit in his season. His leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. Furthermore, the abomination of the world is swelling for lack of faith. Moreover, the world is in labor, now having contractions. Particularly, for lack of belief, in God. As the great fallen away draws in God gave you a measure of faith. Consequently, it is important for us to measure up to the test, God provides for you. If God did not start us off with a test of faith.
      Certainly, will be dead to His Word. Faith without working to know God's Word is dead. God starts the very essence of a person faith. Departing from the flesh into the Spiritual realm. By the renewing of your mind as you take flight into this walk of faith. However, there will be turbulence because, our flesh is weak, but our Spirit is willing. Therefore the flesh and spirit man continues to fight each other. As a result having faith we learn to walk in Spirit and in truth. Admittedly, departing from the flesh.  For the most part, our physical walk is now spiritual. However, our Spirit man is fighting not to fill the lust of the flesh. We walk by faith, not by sight. If we walk by sight, there is nothing to believe. Since we allow the Spirit to operate in us, our faith is enlarging. Nevertheless, it is the flesh that has no regards for the Spirit.  Because of faith the flesh and Spirit are always in battle, warring together in our bodies.
      Depending, who wins this Spiritual battle, your measure of faith increase, Generally speaking, faith allows you to do great exploits. That person has a great desire to please God. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. So, Faith grows by the knowledge of God. For the most part, faith grows and mature by hearing, the Word of God. Let our demonstration allow you to see, a person is carrying heavy baggage, they find it impossible to carry. On the contrary, this baggage might be sin in your life.

     Moreover it just might be something in life your yoke up with, baggage, dragging you, slowing your down. The releasing of faith is from God, who gives you strength to carried heavy loads. We can do nothing alone, we need our Father to birth us. Jesus to save us and the Holy Spirit to guide us. All three help develop you.  Certainly they are, all three wrapped up in one. It is the Lord of Host who fight our battles. Isaiah 47:3 your nakedness will be uncovered, your shame also will be exposed; I will take vengeance and will not spare a man."  Holy One of Israel. "Sit silently, and go into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldean’s, for you will no longer be called the queen of kingdoms. Therefore, we fight with the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God? We cannot combat this struggle with human effort. What God ordain He will maintain.             

Thursday, July 16, 2015

abomination of the world's testicles is swelling

The , world is in labor, now having contractions.  Many diseases can be painful with different episodes. Those who experience some of these diseases would roll on the ground in excruciating pain in BC and AD age. There was no medicine no cure that was invented to stop the pain. However, people were also demonized because of this severe pain. Epilepsy and other seizures to make people shake.  
Could you imagine how it would have been if Jesus did not come into the world? We can see the world coming to its doom. The end of its chapter is finally at the closing of its pages. Remember those calamities at the beginning of time was the abomination above all else.  God send His Son into a dying world, there was so much Abomination that enter into the world God repented Him made a man. On the contrary, God is gone to end it because of abomination again. Although Jesus came to save of from sin, God always ends the world because of abomination. However, it is forgiven if one repents and we love all people. God hates evil.  For the most part, Sexual sins of any kind are considered abominations" to the Lord. On the other hand, these abominations after various kinds of sexual activities apart from marriage. Abomination" only refers to something the Lord "hates. Each time something was done that God hates, He eventually destroys and makes it over again. There will be a new heaven and earth. His people he pours into to tell and know him. Although God's ways are not like our ways, will never understand why God one day lifts up and another He tear down, God hates abomination, God continues to make us over again. He is the potter we are clay.  
While the world is having contractions, it is about to give birth. Those who are born again shall be set apart, the sheep from the goats. They are after birth to be throw away. The world now experiences birth pangs; many shall be throw in the fire and kill. Many are in disbelief and want to continue in casual sex and things that are the abomination to God. You who take my word and pass laws against it. The wrath of God is upon you.  Sodom and Gomorrah. Even in Noah time when disbelief was a factor many died because of abomination. Indeed, these afflictions will come upon us because of abominations when you're having casual sex and in that day eating and drinking and doing which is the abomination to God. Surely you see my anger kinder say the Lord, in the Earth with thunder and lightning. Can you not hear me speaking? The heat can you not feel my fire. Even the creatures know that I am soon to come. May you not be in my way for time is standing still for the elect? Do you not fear me, are you not afraid, and was it not I that made you or do you believe you made yourself. You are, but clay in my hands do you know that I am a consuming fire. Watch and pray for the time is at hand. No one knows the day or hour, but for the signs you surely know I am at the door. 
Be still and know that I am He who has sent thee. God intend for men and women to multiply and flourish when married, male and female to be a spouse. Unquestioningly we must, worship God in Spirit and Truth. Mary Magdalene said that I was once, demon possessed. Suffered both in mind and body, and so shall it come upon you. You will not know your sons and daughters will be demon process will you allow him to enter into your mind also after I have sent my spirit to occupy strength in you. Are you so weak that you continue to fight with man-made swords and not with my sword the Word of God? My people perish for lack of knowledge, those who lose strength when allowing Satan to enter into the mind. Know this for sure, time is coming upon you swiftly, as it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end. The world end by the flood and so it will end by fire.  For the time is at hand to get your house in order. Your children and grandchildren you sisters and your brothers. Jesus must come to save us once again from the abomination that has entered into the world once again. The climate is upon us watch and pray!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

There is only One Mediator between God and Man Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ of Nazareth born in Bethlehem is the only Mediator Between God and Man. Founder of Christianity in 4 BC and His death was Friday, April 3, in the year A.D. 33. He is God in the flesh to save man from the sin of this world. Sin came by the one man Adam.  God rectified Adam sin by sending His only begotten Son into the world to save sinners from sin. God gave His Son, who accomplished the will of His Father. Indeed, Jesus kept the promise of God accomplishment the goal of God allowing us to make peace with God. His Father raised Him up and made Him the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Place Jesus on His right hand of the Father allows Jesus to intercede for the church on our behalf. Jesus now becomes the founder of the church. Jesus was born in Bethlehem and brought up in Nazareth as a Jew. Jesus is the Son of God and God in the flesh the Holy Spirit amongst the living. All three are wrap up in one.  Jesus was miraculous, conceived by the Virgin Mary by the seed of the Holy Spirit. Mary, Jesus mother and wife of Joseph experience many trials and tribulations, many babies, were brutalized while parent’s hearts were broken. Growing up for Jesus was extremely hand on His parents. Whereas knowing that Jesus had to be protected to fulfill the promise that He would take away the sins of the world. Meanwhile on His journey Jesus chose, and train and put the twelve apostles Jesus place under His wing. Traveling with Him on the missionary journeys from town to town country through the byways and highways of Galilee. Jesus experienced much turbulence; He finally lifted off with much prayer. Nevertheless, Jesus performed many miracles by healing many plagued with diseases and leprosy. Also to bringing Mary Magdalene and Martha brother. Jesus Illustrated to Mary and Martha witness by people, by bringing Lazarus back from the dead. For his purpose, Jesus anointing was an outpouring on His teachings as they were talking about in a realization and visual as if they came to life. Witness by many people, as He proclaimed and demonstrated the power of God through His anointing teachings. Jesus Christ blew up when he preached the Sermon on the Mount that broke and lifted up the name of Jesus drawing all man unto Him. Consequently unto this very day His name is proclaimed all around the world.  In the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow, and ever tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of the world.